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    Why Being A Lifeguard Isn't All It's Cracked Up Too Be

    The un-glamorous life of a lifeguard.

    1. For starters, you have to pay to become lifeguard certified

    2. You might have to save someone in a completely serious situation in and out of the water

    3. You might have to help someone in a completely non-serious situation in and out of the water

    4. You have to know how to deliver a baby

    5. There's a chance you're gonna have to deal with an AFR (Aka Accidental Fecal Release)

    6. You have to check the pool chemicals every hour on the hour

    7. You have to work the children's pool

    8. People don't listen to you...even though you're a lifeguard

    9. We watch people swim while we sit in the heat

    10. Okay, so giving mouth to mouth to people like this is a bonus

    11. Giving people like this mouth to mouth makes us want to die

    12. The threat of a sunburn is a constant one

    13. We have to lifeguard on those awkward rainy summer days

    14. Parents think we are the same thing as a babysitter

    15. Falling asleep at a normal job is frowned upon. If you fall asleep while lifeguarding someone could die

    16. We also have to clean the bathrooms and changing rooms.

    17. Once you become a lifeguard and you see something wrong you feel obligated to help

    18. For the rest of your life every time you see someone run by a pool you cringe

    19. One day you will have the perfect hair day and that will be the day you have to jump in and save someone

    20. People who wear these are the worst

    21. You have to get re-certified after a certain number of years

    22. At the end of the summer you're out of a job