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    What Does NPR Stand For?

    When someone says they listen to NPR, can you really know what they mean?

    If you've ever set foot on a liberal arts campus, or hung out with anyone who wears thick-rimmed glasses, or know a guy who plays a "uke", chances are good you've heard the phrase "I heard this thing once on NPR."

    What is this NPR thing?

    Well if they followed it up with the words "global warming," or "This American Life," or "little known scandanavian ska opera band…you've probably never heard of 'em," it's a pretty safe bet they were referring to National Public Radio.

    But my mother always said "assumptions are the devil's toy"—which I'd assume means they're bad… but there I go assuming again!

    Here are some other possible meanings of the NPR abbreviation.

    Nepalese Rupee

    National Performance Review

    Noiseless Portable Reflex

    Norwegian Patient Registry

    Nuclear Posture Review

    Noise-Power Ratio

    Point is: Don't Assume
