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    Gainesville's King Of Gains Will Help You Get Big

    If you don't know Hakeem White yet - you're about to.

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is Hakeem White.

    He is a fourth-year human nutrition & dietetics student at the University of Florida.

    ... and he is the King of Gainz.

    But actually, he's placed in Body Building competitions!

    Gainz or gains, for those who are unaware, refer to gain in muscle mass from working out, lifting weights or other forms of exercise.

    Hakeem has a few...

    So he's kind of serious about this fitness thing...

    He operates a Facebook page titled "Hakeem Getz You Gainz."

    He also operates an Instagram for others to follow his gainz.

    His Instagram features fitness tips for anyone wanting to improve their lifestyle.

    But beware that following him may make you want to start being healthier and working out more...

    Through his page, he has inspired a tremendous amount of people to work out and be healthy!

    Recently, Hakeem created a Facebook group for people in the Gainesville and University of Florida community to work out and share fitness tips with each other. Currently, there are more than 600 members.

    Thanks to Hakeem, there's a lot more pressure to get healthy in Gainezville...

    As 2016 began, he reached out to the Gainesville community to let them know that he can help get them gainz too!

    He also works with clients to help them get the gainz (or weight loss) that they want!

    Meanwhile, he has some of us like...

    Recently he directed his fitness efforts towards helping out Children's Miracle Network and Dance Marathon at the University of Florida!

    He agreed to do push-ups for every dollar donated to Dance Marathon in his name, which means he did 600+ push-ups...

    So if you're in Gainesville and you're trying to get big or small, look no further than Hakeem White.

    He'll get you those gainz.