We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    We’ve Rounded Up Some Reviewer-Loved TikTok Products That Are Definitely Worth Your While

    TikTok made 'em buy it, and this list could do the same for you 👀.

    1. Essence Lash Princess Mascara, which achieves skyscraper, falsie lashes at such a gasp-worthy price, 25,000-plus reviewers haven't been able to shut up about it. Yep, this holy grail sculpts lashes at only $5 a tube, which, if you think about it, is less than a fancy coffee order!

    BuzzFeed editor's eyes before and after using the mascara with the done lashes looking darker and longer
    Kayla Boyd / BuzzFeed

    And this is cruelty-free!

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Kayla Boyd tried this out and raves: "As someone who isn't a big fan of false lashes (the glue irritates my eyes, and I'm terrible at applying them), this budget-friendly holy grail does the trick for both lengthening and volumizing my lashes. After you've given it a minute to dry, it lasts all day long and doesn't smudge or fade. It seriously gives the effect of false lashes, without the discomfort."

    Promising reviews: "Love this stuff! Of course joined the craze off TikTok and I’m glad I did. Love this stuff. Cheap, doesn’t have a chemical smell, and doesn’t irritate my eyes like some other mascaras do. Highly recommend." —Chelsea

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $4.99.

    For more info and review pics, check out Kayla's full Essence Lash Princess Mascara review!

    2. An ingenious two-sided travel cup if getting your caffeine fix while still staying hydrated on some H2O seems like an almost impossible task — this right here is your answer. No need to carry around two separate tumblers, and no need to worry about remembering to do both. 

    reviewer holding the creative water cup, which is filled with iced coffee on one side and water on the other
    gif of reviewer turning the creative water cup filled with two beverages upside down to show that it doesn't leak

    Check it out on TikTok!

    Promising review: "You NEED this. This product is AMAZING. When I run errands, I hate bringing both a water bottle and coffee tumbler. This product solves that issue. I ran it through my dishwasher to clean it, and the plastic didn’t morph at all. 10/10 recommend!" —Megan Huffman

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in three colors). 

    3. A bottle of CeraVe salicylic acid body wash that says "see ya!" to scabs left over from picking ingrowns and "au revoir!" to keratosis pilaris flare-ups. This exfoliates without the rough, physical microbeads and buffs away bumpy skin while smoothing — thanks to hyaluronic acid and niacinamide.

    See why this TikToker swears by this body wash.

    Promising review: "My 6-year-old daughter has keratosis pilaris, commonly known as 'chicken skin.' This year it really flared up during warm weather so I gave this wash along with lotion a try. Wow, I saw results after just a few uses and after a couple of weeks most of her bumps disappeared. Thrilled we skipped a trip to the dermatologist! Can’t beat this price for the results either." —Ashley Steigerwald

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    4. A breakfast sandwich maker here to bring your search for the perfect Egg McMuffin alt to a screeching halt. Because this compact little creation features multiple layers including an egg plate, so you can build your own at-home brunch staple by toasting bread, melting cheese, cooking eggs, and heating up precooked meat all in one go. Easy!

    Check out a TikTok of the breakfast sandwich maker in action. 

    Promising review: "I am actually excited for my weekday breakfast now. These homemade McMuffins are so good! My favorite version uses sliced tomatoes, Swiss cheese, and precooked bacon (from Costco). So many options, so easy! My kindergartener and my teenager both love it. I may have to buy another one for our family. It's also easy to clean with a quick wipe-down." —Joolie

    Get it from Amazon for $26.98+ (available in two colors). 

    5. Some dimmable stick-on under-cabinet lights (for under $20!) that are super convenient for all your kitchen needs, so you can say "so long!" to the dark days of tinkering with ingredients under a dull light. Also great if you're not a fan of overhead lights but still want some visibility for your midnight snack runs.

    small kitchen with lights under the cabinet for a larger, brighter look
    reviewer showing what the lights looks like on the underside of the cabinet

    Promising review: "I've been complaining for two years about the crappy lighting we have in the kitchen. I saw these on TikTok and knew I had to have them. They're SUPER bright, which is exactly what I wanted. So easy to install. Just clean under the cabinets really quick, peel, and stick!" —Tehryn & Alex VanSickle

    Get a 10-foot strand with 60 lights from Amazon for $19.80 (available in two colors).

    6. SoCozy Leave-In Curl Conditioning Spray to turn your *and* your little one's getting-ready ritual into one that's a little more manageable (plus features soft, fanciful curls and ringlets). This stuff will gently detangle and restore tresses, all without the use of harsh and nasty chemicals.

    Reviewer's before photo showing their child's curly hair before using the spray and after photo showing glossy curls with the spray
    reviewer pointing to their curly hair

    Check out a TikTok of the SoCozy Curl Spray in action. Reviewers say this spray will leave wavy or curly hair (from 2a–4c hair) shiny, soft, and bouncy. And it's free from parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic colors or dyes, propylene glycol, gluten, wheat, and nuts!

    Promising review: "This is the BEST product EVER! I will never use another hair detangler ever again. We use this product daily in my house, my daughter, my son, and me. Both of us girls have long and thick curly hair, and it allows us to brush through our hair with no problems! And my son mostly uses it to style his hair before gel, and because it smells so good! We tried a few products from Walmart, Ulta, and Target, and nothing was good enough. This is now on my Subscribe & Save every month!" —Tamira McLelland

    Get it from Amazon for $8.19 (also available in multipacks).

    7. A magnetic bobby pin holder reviewers are saying is "so handy!" for keeping those rogue bobby pins in one place. So long to the days of frantically running around your house in search of something to hold down pesky stray hairs before your morning Zoom calls.

    Psst — the magnet is so strong that reviewers also recommend it for travel, or for people in cheer or dance competitions! 

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy this!! 100% worth it. Makes storing my bobby pins so easy." —Cindy

    Get it from Amazon for $16.49.

    8. Emergency Stain Rescue Stain Remover that works its magic on ketchup, coffee, baby formula, and even on those dreaded deodorant stains when you're in a pinch. It's FAST *and* effective — seriously, reviewers rave how stains are getting erased before their very eyes, with no remnants left over.

    reviewer before photo showing a yellow stain on white fabric
    same reviewer's after photo showing the stain gone

    Check out a TikTok of the "Emergency Stain Rescue" in action. 

    The Hate Stains Co. is a small business that specializes in fast and powerful stain-removing products. 

    Promising review: "I've tried Shout wipes, stain removal pens, and all the other tricks in the book. This removes organic stains from sweat better than anything I've tried thus far. I followed the directions, got the fabric wet, sprayed it on, and left it to chill for an hour. When I came back, I was dumbfounded. I can't believe I didn't have this sooner, I'm about to buy a gallon!" —Mark Bogumil

    Get it from Amazon for $7.19+ (also available in packs of two or three, and with on-the-go wipes). 

    9. A dishwasher-safe clip-on strainer to save your cupboards from the invasion of a stack of different-sized colanders *and* make pasta night one that's welcomed with a big cheer (from you) because straining with one hand will now be the new norm. Plus, it's also great to drain veggies and grease from meat!

    strainer being used to drain water from fruit, pasta, veggies, and potatoes

    Check it out in this TikTok review!

    Promising review: "I cannot say enough good about this strainer. It fits all my pots from small to huge, even frying pans! I have strainers, colanders, every kind of lid converter...this strainer is the best ever. When the pot is too heavy for me to hold to drain off the water, with this I can still hold on with both hands, and then when it is mostly drained, I set the pot in the sink to continue to drain. Washes up like a dream, or toss in the dishwasher. I do not know how I lived without this strainer. Now I can get rid of probably 20 items out of my kitchens!" —SGA

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in five colors).

    10. A pack of Elephant Trax Labels so you can keep on top of what's inside of those boxes that you've got stored in the tippy top of your closet — without having to go rummaging through multiple bins. And of course, these are also great for moving!

    reviewer image of labels
    app that is associate with labels to show what is stored in box

    Check 'em out on TikTok!

    Elephant Trax is a small business created to help you keep track of your stuff. All you have to do is attach the label, snap pics of your things, and organize the pictures in each box using the app. Then when you're looking for something, you just have to scan the label on the app, and you'll see exactly what's inside. 

    Promising review: "Well I absolutely love! love! LOVE‼️‼️ I saw this on a TikTok video sooo yes TikTok made me buy this and I can say it’s incredible. It makes your life easier because now you won’t have to open each box in storage and take everything out just to look for whatever it is you're looking for. Just scan the QR code and it shows you what is in that specific box because that's how you packed it. You take pictures of everything that is going to be in that specific box and then you get assigned a QR code, and once you're done you save it!! And if you forgot to add something to that box, just take the picture of the item and then scan the label of the packed box to add it and that’s it." —Fausto Orozco

    Get a pack of 40 from Amazon for $9.99+ (also available in bigger pack sizes).

    11. A jar of the internet-beloved Pink Stuff that'll magically clean practically anything and everything in your home — and even in your closet! This potion in a paste reverses wall markings, cooked-on grease, soap scum, shoe scuffs, and whatever else could use a little abracadabra alakazam.

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-size amount of this makes them look brand-new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need so LITTLE of this product, it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    12. A rechargeable clip-on book light designed to emit a warm amber glow that's almost completely free of blue light, so you can gently drift off as you catch up on your late-night romance series. Another cool feature? This has three brightness settings so you can customize your experience as you cozily flick through the #drama.

    Check out what this TikToker has to say about it.

    Promising review: "This was the best gift from my husband! Love reading in bed without having to use lamp light. Three settings of brightness are perfect, it's lightweight, and best of all holds a charge literally forever! I took it on a long airplane trip and was able to read without the annoying overhead light (especially when others are trying to sleep). Highly recommend!" —Rick Angelo

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in three styles). 

    13. Elizavecca Milky Piggy carbonated bubble clay mask, a multitasker that'll make pricey facials quiver in their boots, since with this you'll be able to achieve an at-home glow in minutes. This can detoxify skin, help remove blackheads, *and* exfoliate with an absurdly fun foamy experience. Reviewers note that is the "most fun they've had" getting their skin clean. 

    reviewer smiling with the foaming mask on their face
    reviewer's before and after using the mask with their pores significantly decreased after

    Watch a TikTok of the foaming mask bubble!

    Promising review: "I love this stuff! I received some for a gift and then purchased it for my daughter from Amazon. It feels like a clay mask going on, and then starts bubbling and turns to a thinner substance when it's done. I feel like it is very gentle on my face. My skin feels amazing after I wash it off. It feels like I used moisturizer, even though I did not." —L. Shea

    Get it from Amazon for $9.20.

    14. A lovely time-saving Oxo Tot grape cutter you'll probably get an unimaginable amount of joy from using, since it slices up little fruits and veggies for your little humans at rapid speed.

    gif of reviewer using the grape cutter to slice grapes into quarters with a positive review quote over top
    reviewer photo of containers of quartered grapes and cherry tomatoes next to the grape cutter

    See why one parent on TikTok loves it! 

    Oh, and it's not just for grapes! It's also perfect for cherry tomatoes, berries, olives, and many reviewers say it works on a variety of fruits!

    Promising review: "When we went to search Amazon for 'grape cutters,' I was worried that we may have hit rock bottom. It doesn't get more simple than slicing a freaking grape. I mean it's not difficult, doesn't take an enormous amount of time, and isn't even really that inconvenient (at least no more than cutting any other toddler food)...yet, my wife and I found ourselves dreading the process every time our daughter wanted a handful of grapes. We bought this little gadget with low expectations and fully anticipated using it two times before throwing it in our kitchen drawer where it would inevitably sit for a year before we threw it away. Boy were we wrong. It only took one use before we realized that what we thought would be another useless novelty, was actually a parent's HOLY GRAIL of food preparation. No joke, I literally used it the other day to cut THREE grapes for MYSELF, just for the enjoyment. I only take time to write reviews on products that I feel are truly worth my time to endorse, and this little gadget was more than worthy. If your little one enjoys eating grapes, do yourself the unimaginable pleasure of buying this...you won't regret it." —Michael

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    15. L’Oréal 8 Second Wonder Water Lamellar Hair Treatment that works like a treat in eight, yes, you read that correctly, EIGHT seconds to transform fine to curly textures. Think: mirror-like shine and softer-than-soft locks in less time than it takes to pull a rabbit out of a hat!

    to the left, an image of brown hair with the text
    a reviewer with 3c hair showing their results
    @lorealparis / Via www.instagram.com, www.amazon.com

    Apply this directly to wet hair, avoiding the roots, massage it in for eight seconds, then rinse. Effort required = practically zero. You can use 1 dose for fine- to medium-textured hair, 2–3 doses for thick- to curly-textured hair, and add one more dose if you have long hair.

    Promising reviews: "I don’t usually do reviews on products, but for this one, I absolutely have to. I have 3c type hair and struggle a lot with breakage, unmanageability, and moisture. When my mom mentioned this product to me, I didn’t take her seriously because of the simple fact that we have two completely different hair textures. I never would have thought this brand would work on my hair. I have never in my 22 years felt my hair like this. I feel like I have a completely different head of hair. This product is so amazing, and I will FOREVER be using this product in my hair regimen. Thank you so much!! ♥️" —Theressa Hailey

    "I have never had a hair product make such a fast and wonderful impact on my hair EVER! I have naturally good hair. Long and shiny.....until I went to Madison Reed and had most of it completely damaged beyond belief. My silky strands felt like hay. They were breaking. I was masking, conditioning, oiling, air drying, not brushing it, and still, it was a total tragedy. I turned to the TikTok gods and found this. ONE USE OF EIGHT SECONDS completely restored my hair to its soft shine down to the ends! If I did not use this myself, I would never have believed it. Thank god it is so reasonable in price. If you are anything like me — your hair is your crown, and when changes happen to it, it is devastating until you find a way to make it work. This stuff is a miracle product. I love it!" —Sonia

    Get it from Amazon for $8.29.

    16. An as-seen-on-Shark-Tank seat gap filler if you find that you, a certified klutz, can never make it through your morning commute without dropping your cellular device down that teeny (but somehow large) crevice beside your car seat. Credit cards, cash, and snacks are now also forever safe from that deep dark slot hole.

    the black seat gap filler
    a model installing the gap filler

    Check it out on TikTok

    Promising review: "I bought this product because I saw it on Shark Tank. I was a little skeptical at first so I installed it and tried dropping my car keys into the seat gap and surely enough they wouldn't fall in. I tried dropping them from every position; in front of the seat buckle, behind the seat buckle, in the middle of the seat gap, you name it, and no matter where I put my keys, they just wouldn't fall through. This product should be in every car! I'm so impressed by this product I've bought additional Drop Stops for every member of my immediate family." —Amazon Customer

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $24.99.

    17. A quick-drying mesh bath toy storage bag so splash time doesn't conclude with you wrestling with and tidying away hundreds of toys. This roomy, quick-dry mesh basket scoops everything up, suction holds to the wall, *and* makes tidy-up time super quick and easy.

    A mesh gray bag full of toys hung on a shower wall
    Reviewer easily removing it from base on wall

    Check out a TikTok of the bath toy storage bag in action. 

    Promising review: "We’ve had this for about three months and the suction is great; we haven’t had it fall even with kids who tug and yank on it to get their toys out. It also makes bath time cleanup so much easier, and I love how it air dries the toys without much work on my part." —Molly 

    Get it from Amazon for $12.97

    18. Seraphic Korean Skincare Exfoliating Mittens that'll provide instant gratification, since they have the ability to slough away dead skin right before your very eyes to reveal visibly (and touchably) softer arms...legs...bums...literally wherever you want to use them.

    I can attest, this thing is like witchcraft in a mitt. I use this weekly to rid my skin of dullness and dryness. And I'm not joking, my arms, legs, tummy, bum, literally everywhere this thing graces becomes 10x smoother. It's now part of my routine before I shave — and if you think a razor can give you slick skin...paired with THIS, oh boy, you haven't seen (or felt) anything yet. Is it gross to see a week's worth of skin trickle off your body and into the tub with you? Yes. But is it oh-so-satisfying to get a closer shave? You betcha. Oh, and for me, I feel like this has stopped ingrowns in their tracks, too, because it lifts layers of skin before they harden and become more of an ish'. Basically, if you're looking to up your shower time routine, give this a go. Being gentle for the first couple of uses is key, and then once your skin becomes more tolerant, you can increase the pressure you apply. I can't wait for you to see how you and your skin like it!

    Promising review: "I'll be honest; I thought this would be another thing I saw on Amazon via TikTok that was way overhyped. I have dry skin, and despite using lotions, oils, and gentle body washes, I'm ashy. This thing is incredible. I don't think I've ever been this exfoliated in my life! Not a single flake or scaly patch in sight. 1,000/10." —Ruth Bromberg

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in one-piece and two-piece options). 

    19. A reusable ChomChom pet hair remover so you can finally sit on your couch in your all-black outfit *without* looking like you're trying to coordinate with the messiest individual in your household: your cute little fur baby. So long to the days of incessantly attacking yourself from head to toe with a sticky lint roller.

    See it in action on TikTok!

    Promising review: "Works like a charm. This is the answer to my dog hair prayers! I have a Shepsky and the amount of hair he leaves around the furniture and my comforter is overwhelming. He is brushed daily and still sheds like wild. I was constantly vacuuming and using a disposable lint roller. The ChomChom is the best thing around to remove dog hair from rugs, comforters, car seats, sofas, pillows, dog beds and any object that has dog hair. You need to realize that it is small back-and-forth motions, not long strides, that pick up the hair. It easy to use, easy to clean and does the job! Not to be used as a lint roller on a person, just furniture etc. I have recommended it to everyone I know that has a pet who sheds!" —tonkers54

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

    20. Live Tinted Hueguard, which protects your skin year round sans any annoying, ghostly white cast. It's great if you don't have the patience (or energy) to apply multiple products in the a.m., since this mineral SPF 30 sunscreen *plus* primer hybrid moisturizes and preps skin for a no-makeup or full-face-makeup day.

    A South Asian model applying the sunscreen
    A selfie of Jasmin showing her complexion after all-day wear of Huegard under makeup
    Live Tinted, Jasmin Sandal/BuzzFeed

    This works for all skin tones to leave your face with a beautiful dewy glow! P.S. This is formulated with 18% zinc oxide (a mineral ingredient that works as a skin protectant and — hooray! — is an FDA-approved sunscreen component that reflects harmful UVs). And yes, bbs, it's clean, vegan, cruelty- and fragrance- free, *and* it's reef safe!

    Live Tinted is a South-Asian woman-owned beauty brand founded by beauty blogger and entrepreneur Deepica Mutyala. Her brand is built around diversity and inclusion with phenomenal multitasking products that address skin concerns like hyperpigmentation. Just peep their top-selling color correcting Huestick.

    See why this TikToker is choosing Huegard.

    I've recently introduced this gem into my skincare routine, and — holy cow — I'm not sure why it took me so long to give it a whirl. I've been writing about Live Tinted's products for some time, and finally decided to snag some of their goodies for myself. Hueguard injects a literal ray of liquid sunshine into my daily regimen because, gold. And it really, truly, leaves zero white cast on my face — plus there's no pilling, either! It blends seamlessly with my complexion, feels ultra hydrating, and is the perfect base layer for makeup. (That's me above after a few hours of wear with Hueguard layered under some Kosas concealer and One/Size foundation and, I've got to be honest — as someone who has had a few acne scars residing on their cheeks for some time and struggles with makeup application — I haven't seen my complexion look this smooth in a minute! AND my no-makeup-makeup look stayed put for hours!) I can't recommend Huegard enough if you're looking to try something new!

    Promising review: "This has now become my favorite daily sunscreen/moisturizer/primer. They really do mean it when they say 'no white cast' and the product doesn't feel oily/doesn't block my pores. Love the consistency and that you can travel with it — plus it's a 3-in-1 so it saves me a lot of time. Highly recommend!" —Ulta Customer

    Get it from UltaLive Tinted, or Amazon for $32+ (available in two sizes).

    21. A set of silicone oven rack edge protectors to ensure your hungry paws (and wrists) don't get singed as you reach in to grab and check up on your dishes. These are made from easy-to-cut material that can cover the entire length of your oven.

    Check them out on TikTok

    And they're dishwasher safe!

    Promising review: "These things are awesome. Not only are they attractive and reasonably priced, but are so easy to put on and they stay on the rack. Most importantly, I find they help to protect your arm when reaching into the oven from getting any bad burns. Highly recommend these, I'm so happy with them I'm buying a set for my mom and daughters-in-law." —Sandi 

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $7.99 (available in three colors). 

    22. Youthforia BYO Blush Oil, which marvelously reacts to the pH of skin and actually changes color to adjust to different tones. That means anyone who uses it will have their own unique shade of blush! (AKA so long to the days of wasting time trying to pick a shade that works for you.) Plus, its feather-like formula withstands the heat, never feels greasy, and won't clog pores.

    editor dabbing clear blush on cheeks as it changes color to pink
    The green and orange bottle of blush
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    It's also made with skincare ingredients so just in case you *gasp* sleep in it, you'll still wake up with good skin! It's suitable for all skin types, fragrance-free, vegan, and cruelty-free.

    Youthforia is an Asian woman-owned small biz that aims to make makeup that's so good for your skin you can sleep in it. The founder, Fiona Co Chan, even tested the blush by sleeping in it for two months! They are passionate about being environmentally-friendly.

    Check out a TikTok of the BYO Blush in action. 

    My BuzzFeed Shopping colleague Emma Lord says: "I tried this out myself and I have to say, it is WILD watching it adjust to your skin's pH in real time. It was a very bright pink at first but super easy to spread — a bit like Glossier's Cloud Paint, except personalized. It's very long lasting, too — I applied in the morning and could still see a rosy glow by the end of the day." 

    Promising review: "Dewy and glowy. I tried it over makeup and it appeared as a strong pink shade but settled to a flushed, glowy color. I had my little sister try it too because I wanted to see the color change again and it lasted a really long time on her. The texture was smooth and it was easy to rub in and blend out." —Summer

    Get it from Youthforia or Amazon for $36.

    23. An aesthetically-pleasing power strip that's mighty flexible and complete with three outlets, two USB ports, and a 5-foot extension cable. It's not only nice to look at, but conveniently bends and adapts to small spaces while still leaving room for bulkier charging units.

    Reviewer holding pink power strip with separate squares for three outlets and two USB chargers
    The strip in white reconfigured in a square shape

    Promising reviews: "I purchased this because I saw it on TikTok and I was NOT disappointed!" —LeAnn Cervantes

     "I rarely write a review (this is the second in the past few years). One of the best purchases in a long time. Nice design and very practical. It solves all of my problems as it can go any direction. It's worth every penny. I turned around and bought two more. I am about to buy my fourth one. Love this!" —Pond P. 

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in five colors). 

    24. A pack of semi-cured gel nail strips so you can get an intricately designed mani at a fraction of the cost and for wayyy less effort. Once you apply them to your nails, you let them fully cure under a UV light and then bam! The waterproof gel top layer should stay put for about two weeks of wear.

    close-up of reviewer's abstract nails
    close-up of another reviewer's abstract nails

    See how they look in this TikTok!

    Promising review: "This is the third brand of semi-cured gel nail polish strips I have tried, and these are by far the best quality. I don’t know why it does not have only 5-star reviews. The strips are easy to apply, appropriately thick, cure very hard, and last easily 10 days. They are also the shiniest of the gel nail polish strips I have used as well. These are so superior to the other ones that I have. I will be purchasing more strips in different colors rather than use out the strips that I already have. These just look so much better." —Anna G.

    Get a pack for $16 (available in soooo many colors/patterns).

    25. A cutie lil' utensil holder that's a help in the kitchen as well as for your WFH area. Pop it on a pot for your wooden spoon, or fasten it on your desktop to keep that one and only pen you have on your desk at arm's reach.

    the crab holding a wooden spoon
    the crab holding a pen

    Check out this kitchen must-have on TikTok!

    Promising review: "This little red crab is the cutest thing on my stove and one of the most useful! It holds spoons and it holds lids partially open too! A great addition to any kitchen!" —Maddiegg

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95.

    26. RobeCurls Heatless Hair Curler Set, which effortlessly styles slightly damp hair to reveal soft and luscious curls overnight — without the need to blast any heat source toward your strands. Just wrap your locks around the length of the rod and let it work its magic to build volume that admirers are raving lasts all day.

    reviewer showing their hair after using the rod
    Model pulling the large curls out of their hair to form smaller ones

    You'll get the satin curler and two scrunchies in the set.

    RobeCurls is a woman-founded small business that specializes in heatless hair curling tools. 

    Promising review: "WOW!!!!! I can’t believe how well this works!!! I’ve seen this all over Instagram and TikTok, and wanted to try it. It’s so easy to put in, takes about a minute or two. Comfortable to sleep in. Then, you take it out, and it looks like you put all this effort into doing your hair. The curls turned out gorgeous, I’m so impressed!!" —Katie Oswalt

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99 (available in four colors). 

    27. A pumice stone to restore your hope if you thought deep-cleaning your stained toilet was a lost cause. Simply wet the stone, gently scrub, and gross rings of horror — be gone!

    A white pumice stone with a handle
    A before and after pic of a toilet bowl with gray rings and without them

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy this. This thing literally scoured away hard-water stains that I have been trying to get rid of for years in less than 30 seconds. 10/10 recommend." —Tleary125

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99 (also available in multipacks).

    28. A "Shower Cat" for the resident shedder who's looking for an alternative to just sticking loose hair against their shower tiles. This clever lil' thing provides somewhere (more sanitary) to stash and trap loose strands before it has a chance to clog your drains. Simply swipe left to plonk it in there, and then right to get rid of it.

    A small bristled silicone attachment on a wall with white cat-like ears
    Reviewer using the device to put hair in and pull it out

    Shower Cat is a small business established in 2021 specializing in products to prevent shower clogs. 

    Promising review: "I first saw this product on TikTok and knew immediately that I needed it. I just moved into a new apartment and I didn’t want to be how I used to be, where I’d just let hair go down the drain and plug it eventually, or peel it off of the drain after each shower. It works great but I probably need some practice with it. I currently just floss my hair through it so it will hold them and there are a few stray hairs that don’t stick. I would recommend to anyone who is tired of putting your loose strands of hair on the shower wall." —Cari Schwartzkopf

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95

    29. A sleek, drip-free oil dispenser and mister set here to make your daily meal prep less messy and more accurate than ever before since — get this — the dispenser features its very own measuring cup. Nifty!

    gif of reviewer pressing a button on the oil dispenser to measure the oil
    reviewer photo of the oil dispenser and mister on a kitchen counter

    Check out how it works on TikTok!

    To use, just hold the button until the oil in the measuring cup reaches the amount you need. Plus, it comes with an olive oil mister that'll help you get light, even coverage on your pans. 

    Promising review: "This product is easy to use and is the perfect addition to any kitchen! I love how easily I can measure out olive oil and how smoothly it comes out of the bottle. It is great for cooking or for drizzling over salads! Not only is it easy to use, but it also looks nice in the kitchen. Unlike a plastic olive oil bottle, this dispenser is a beautiful addition to my counter top. Also, for anyone who is interested in measuring out their olive oil without needing to constantly pull out a tablespoon, this is the perfect dispenser for you! The spray bottle is also great for cooking! I love that I know exactly what comes out of the spray bottle, rather than a store-bought spray bottle with additives. 10/10 would recommend!" —Clotilde D.

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

    30. blackhead scrub stick, which comes in the form of a too-cute-for-words octopus that reviewers say is ridiculously good at removing excess sebum. Rub this over your face post-cleanse and just watch it work wonders on exfoliating your pores to yank out blackheads and whiteheads.

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Psst! TikTokers love this thing!

    Promising reviews: "The product actually does wonders for my skin. I've used it two times already and I've already noticed decreased sebum and blackheads. It had a nice smell but it is a little strong. I have sensitive skin but it doesn't do anything bad and doesn't irritate my face. A win for me!" —Sam

    "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me, smells great too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt is visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, then I used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    Reviews have been edited for length and clarity.