We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    32 Cleaning Products That'll Have You Screaming "Ta-Da" After Each Use

    Seriously, just take a look at this garbage disposal cleaner get to work...👀

    1. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can trust to take care of your garbage disposal if it really hasn't been tended to, like, ever. These foam with a lemony scent and do the trick to deeply cleanse the underside of the splash guard and the interior side walls.

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Easy to use. I followed directions and it works just like it says. I only use this once every month now. First use I had to do it twice (which it says if it hasn’t been cleaned in a while you may need to). Weekly I follow up with the Glisten Garbage Disposal Freshener and that keeps my disposal working well and smelling great." —Lostbraincell

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    2. Wet & Forget shower cleaner, which *gasp* doesn't require you to do any scrubbing. No, seriously. Simply give the areas in your bathroom that could use some TLC a quick spray down with this...and then rinse off the next day. Plus, it only has to be used once a week!

    reviewer before with cloudy, hard water stained shower door
    same reviewer with a totally clear shower door after using the treatment

    Promising review: "This may be the best thing I have ever bought off of Amazon. And I buy quite a bit. This was something I needed and didn't even know it! Long story short, the tub in my kids' bathroom was atrocious, due to spotty cleaning and hard water. I bought this with a heavy dose of skepticism, even though the reviews were mighty impressive. On the back of the bottle it says that you may need several daily applications before your tub is clean, and then you can switch to weekly application. I'm on day three, and let me say, even if this stuff worked no further, I AM BLOWN AWAY. The shower looks close to new. A couple more days, and I'll be able to switch to weekly! I won't post pictures because I'm embarrassed of how bad it looked before. But seriously, I am SO happy to have discovered this product, and I plan to keep on using it." —Tee

    Get it from Amazon for $20.52 (available in two scents and in multipacks).

    3. A cooktop cleaning kit so you can reverse any sign of old cooking mishaps. Burned-on grease and gunk from the previous homeowner's past will never haunt you in your sleep ever again, thanks to this nonscratch set!

    The six-piece kit includes a 10-ounce bottle of Cerama Bryte cooktop cleaner, grip pad tool, scraper, and three cleaning pads — and it works on glass, ceramic, induction, radiant, and halogen cooktop ranges.

    Promising Review: "Works amazing! I hadn't thoroughly scrubbed my glass cooktop in years...only wiped down with random multicleaners, which never seemed to do much. Then a friend recommended this product...AMAZING! The included scrubbers and scrapers really make the difference. As others have said it will leave your cooktop shiny and new. Even marks that had been on there for years came almost completely off...98% better. The key is to use very little product. Let dry to a haze and wipe with a clean, dry cotton towel. (Just like waxing a car). If you aren't getting a mirrored finish it's because you've used too much product and not enough elbow grease to polish off." —B. Swartwood

    Get it from Amazon for $14.98.

    4. A mold and mildew removal gel to banish gunk in your grout and dark spots along silicone caulk. Your bathroom surfaces will shine once again after one overnight application of this. And before you saying anything — nope, no scrubbing necessary. I know, right?!

    On the left, a photo of mold on a shower well, and on the right, the same shower wall with the mold cleaned away
    Kayla Suazo / BuzzFeed

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping editor Kayla Suazo uses this and raves: "This mildew remover can destroy any stain in its path — I would know, that is (sadly) my moldy ol' shower above. OK, before you go and judge me, I'd like to defend myself and say that my building is really old. When I moved into my apartment, it looked like there hadn't been repairs since the '60s, and that included re-caulking the bathtub. I tried bleach and every type of shower cleaner at the store, but nothing removed the mold and mildew stains that had been there for like, 40 years. UNTIL I BOUGHT THIS INCREDIBLE MAGIC GEL. The before and after pictures speak for themselves, and were taken after only one treatment. I am one happy customer."

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    5. Keurig cleaning cups if you're someone like me who didn't realize a coffeemaker needed to be descaled — turns out, it DOES. Just pop in one of the pods as you would a coffee pod, and proceed to be amazed (read: horrified) at the amount of residue that trickles into your cup of joe.

    Reviewer image of beaker beneath Keurig showing the effects of cleaning pods with brown water coming out of machine.
    Three glass containers showing the progression of colored water to come out of machine. From brown water on the left to clean clear water on the right.

    Promising review: "This is an excellent product that I cannot say enough good things about. I had thrown away my current Keurig machine thinking it was broken. I decided to try to resurrect it using these cleaners and I am glad I did! One cup took care of years of neglect on my part (lesson learned). Because there was so much cleaning needed, I used two cups, and now the machine works perfectly. So glad I discovered this product and highly recommend. I am thinking a three-month interval to keep the machine in good condition. Thank you so much!" —Susan

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.95 (available multipacks).

    6. An Oxo over-the-drain hair stopper that'll certainly make you do a happy shower dance (now without the pool of soapy water beneath your feet). This little creation works like a magnet for hair and captures clumps *before* they make their way to clog up your drains.

    Promising review: "This has been my saving grace!! No longer do I have to routinely pull 3-foot-long strands of old goopy hair up out of my drain. Catches everything. Must-have for pop-up drains!!"—Chels

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    7. The Pink Stuff all-purpose paste and spray (as seen on TikTok) to magically clean practically anything and everything in your home — and even in your closet! This potion in a paste reverses wall markings, cooked-on grease, soap scum, shoe scuffs, and whatever else could use a little abracadabra alakazam.

    reviewer's Vans sneaker soles before covered in dirt and now completely white and clean
    reviewer image of their oven door half covered in gunk and the other half after using The Pink Stuff now completely clean

    Promising review: "WOW!!!! This stuff is amazing. I literally just have to spray it, let it sit for a few minutes, come back, and depending on what I’m using it for I either wipe it and it comes right off or I just use a scrubbing pad and it comes off. There’s nothing out there that is anywhere in comparison to this product!!!! This stuff is the absolute best. I highly recommend purchasing this. I can tell you that half of my cleaning products are now going to be thrown out because all I need is The Pink Stuff. Whoever invented this stuff is an absolute genius; if you’re a clean freak like me this really is the way to go. Also it doesn’t have that nasty chemical smell, it smells great. Just buy it; you won’t regret it." —Twin33

    Get the original cleaning paste and multipurpose spray from Amazon for $19.99.

    8. A grout pen if your tiles have become so unsightly you've forgotten what color the lines that separate them are. (Spoiler: they're white!) You'll feel instantly gratified with how well this brightens up floors in your bathroom, backsplashes in the kitchen, or literally wherever tiles live in your home.

    Promising review: "I just bought my first house and because of COVID I have not had the funds I wanted to fix it up. This was cheap and the backsplash in my new kitchen was an eyesore. I wasn't expecting much because of the price and I am absolutely stunned. My kitchen looks so much better! It was easy to use, no odor, and quick! I did two coats because the color was dark brown. Some places I did more but I didn't mind doing it because it was actually really satisfying. Definitely recommend this product!" —Kim

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (also available with a wide tip).

    9. An old faithful carpet cleaning spray that works so well, you might think it's witchcraft. Don't worry — your eyes aren't deceiving you; this formula literally clears up any evidence of (horrific) accidents, drink spillages, pet stains, and shoe markings from your light-colored carpet.

    Promising review: "Better than the best! This stuff cleans grease off of chinos. Yes, we did purchase it to clean the rugs in our motorhome and it reliably cleans them like new as I can't convince the spouse to remove his dirty shoes. Beyond rugs be sure to try it for clothing spots as it's better than those stocked on grocery store shelves and leaves zero residue, even on chinos. Blot the moisture out, let dry, and ready to wear. If you have pets, order the large size as you'll find it indispensable. Doesn't take much to do the job, just a little spritzing, wait a few moments and rub with a clean rag or towel for rugs. My order included two bottles; one I lent to a friend to try and now she won't give it back." —Sharon l. smith

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65 (also available in multipacks).

    10. A jewelry cleaning stick to transform your tarnished accessories and make them dazzle once again before your very eyes — and all without the hefty cleaning fee.

    Promising review: "I needed something to clean my engagement ring before my wedding day and ordered this because I didn't think I'd be able to get into a jewelry store to have it cleaned. This thing worked wonders. My ring was getting pretty dirty (I work out in my ring, I cook with it on, it get soap all over it)...it gets a beating and needed a cleaning badly. This was so great. My mom saw how nicely it made my ring sparkle and we tried it on her wedding, anniversary, and engagement bands (which probably hadn't been cleaned in well over five years) and the difference as we cleaned was astonishing. This stuff is powerful, the bristles get into the little crevices and I can't recommend this product enough." —Elizabeth Holihan

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (also available multipacks).

    11. Some Goo Gone so you can finally break up with the stickers and wall posters of your favorite bands from high school, without the fear that they're going to leave gross goop all over your belongings. Plus! This magic sauce can be applied to both hard *and* soft surfaces — just use it as a spot treatment with a cloth.

    A gooey streak stained on a fridge
    the fridge without gunk anymore

    Promising review: "Bought it to remove a piece of chewing gum from a white leather car seat. It’s not recommended for leather, but did the job wonderfully. Then I used it to clean car door aluminum sill plates — a protective sticker wasn’t taken off in time, so they were covered in adhesive that I couldn’t remove for a few years. After applying Goo Gone liquid and letting it sit for five minutes I was able to clean it off! Really powerful adhesive remover, glad I discovered it." —ef

    Get it from Amazon for $9.98.

    12. A Power Dash carpet cleaner that will reverse years of filth by sucking up sticky soda spills, pet stains, and caked-in marks. This Hoover even comes with a cleaning solution to tackle tough messes and leave your carpet sparkling clear from discolorations.

    Close up of the hoover filled with dirt that it pulled out of a reviewer's carpet
    Before and after shot of stained toilet vs stain-free carpet

    Promising review: "I freaking love this thing. It's small but extremely powerful! The soap that comes with it is excellent! When I ran out I bought a gallon of it! The amount of cat hair this thing sucks up is wild! I'm six months pregnant and have absolutely no trouble with this thing. It snaps together easy to fill and change water. I wish I could give it 10 stars." —Bee Fowler

    Get it from Amazon for $99.42.

    13. An all-natural yoga mat spray here to give your once-clean mat a deep and well-deserved detox. Sweat...footprints...whatever, this essential-oil-based formula will tackle leftover residue from your weekly asanas without harsh chemicals. It's just a bonus that you'll be able to breathe in the delightful scent of lavender the next time you're in child's pose!

    The spray bottle laying on a yoga mat with its cloth with a purple label with the words
    reviewer using the cleaning and a white towel to show the gunk that came off of their mat

    Asutra is a WOC-owned business in which Venus Williams is part owner and chief brand officer (!!), making natural self-care products at an accessible price point. The products are made with organic plants, minerals, and essential oils and do not contain parabens, phthalates, or petroleum. This spray is made with tea tree oil to help kill bacteria on the mat. It also comes with a microfiber towel to help you clean.

    Promising review: "Powerful natural and nontoxic cleaner! This natural mat cleaner works great on my yoga mat after sweaty Bikram yoga classes and doesn't have the chemical odor of other cleaners. It really takes the sweat-related odors out of the mat and leaves it smelling like relaxing lavender. Because the lavender scent is natural, it is pretty strong, so I advise you to clean your mat outside of the yoga studio or in the comfort of your own home so you won't affect others' senses. Thank you for making a natural nontoxic yoga mat spray!" —Chandler

    Get it from Amazon for $12.25+ (available in 12 scents and multipacks).

    14. A reusable pet hair remover so you can finally sit on your couch in your all-black outfit *without* looking like you're trying to coordinate with the messiest individual in your household: your cute little fur baby. So long to the days of incessantly attacking yourself from head to toe with the lint roller.

    Reviewer using ChomChom to remove pet hair from black fabric
    reviewers black coat showing half with hair removed with Chom Chom

    Promising review: "I bought this because I was at my wit's end with cat hair. I have two cats that shed like wild. I first tried this out on my comforter and was disgusted and shocked by how much cat hair was accumulated on my bed. I got to work and started rolling every piece of furniture and cloth surface in my apartment and it was so satisfying to see all the cat hair be removed. Some of it was invisible too 🤢. And it also works on clothes! I added a picture after trying it on my coat I hadn’t seen it that lint free in ages. This is the best $25 I’ve spent in a while lol. I was a little taken back by the price but honestly it’s so worth it considering I don’t have to buy disposable lint rollers anymore which are annoying and time-consuming to use, and they don’t pick up as much lint as they should. This is definitely a must-have if you have pets!!" —Jen H.

    Get it from Amazon for $29.95.

    15. A miraculous pumice stone to restore your hope if you thought deep cleaning your stained toilet was a lost cause. Simply wet the stone, gently scrub, and gross rings of horror — be gone!

    Promising review: "Wow, after 10 years in our house I had pretty much given up on getting our toilets looking nice again. You have kids who forget to flush? I thought I'd have a nasty-looking toilet for the rest of time...until I discovered this tool! Holy wow, when I tell you that I have spent HOURS trying to clean the toilet before (with no results) and this thing made it SPARKLING WHITE in less than five minutes, I'm not joking! Never again will I settle for toilet rings or stained toilet bottoms. This tool will do the job for you, just scrub and it's gone!" —Lilac28

    Get it from Amazon for $11.20.

    16. Affresh dishwasher tablets if you've never thought to deep clean the appliance that does your least favorite chore for you. All you have to do is pop one of these in to dissolve residue buildup, blast away foul odors, and get your machine cleaning dishes like it used to.

    Reviewer before image of dishwasher with residue
    Reviewer after image with no buildup after using tablets

    Promising review: "I’ve been using this product for a while and I’ve started to a rely on it. I first used this out of desperation. My dishwasher was broken from a fried control panel. I eventually replaced the panel. I opened the dishwasher and it was fairly gross. A little stagnant water gave way to some mold. I found this product and figured I’d give it a shot. I did need to use this two or three times before the dishwasher was cleaned and usable. But I find that a major win considering the shape it was in beforehand. Now I use it every month or two and I have to say way easier than cleaning by hand. Definitely worth the price I paid." —Justin

    Get a pack of six tablets from Amazon for $8.99.

    17. And some for your washing machine, because laundry day shouldn't involve you facing off with your machine. These fast-acting tablets eradicate funky smells and nasty buildup from the edges of the drum in just a couple of cycles.

    Reviewer image showing the edges of a clean washing machine drum and encasement
    Inside of clean washing machine drum

    Promising review: "So impressive! These tablets really get rid of the funk smell in your washer. I use one on the factory setting for tub wash on my washer and then after that, run a regular cycle to make sure all the tablet residue is gone. Once a month is all it takes! Big difference!" —Bendy W

    Get it from Amazon for $4.74+ (available in packs of three, five, and six).

    18. An EcoTools makeup brush cleaner that's dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic — for when you forget what color your applicator's bristles are supposed to be (hint: They're *not* orange!).

    Promising review: "I absolutely LOVE this brush shampoo! I purchased two bottles. I was a little skeptical of how well it would clean my brushes since I had never tried it before, but after using this I am very pleased with the outcome. It has a faint 'shampoo scent' but nothing too overpowering, and suds like you wouldn't believe. They got all the way down to the base of the brush and gave it a really good cleaning. One of my brushes is made from boar hair (Estée Lauder powder brush), and I was worried it was going to frizz out and ruin the shape, but it actually improved it after I had previously used baby shampoo. It's very soft and not at all coarse feeling. I also used this shampoo on my Beauty Blender, and it did a great job of getting all the foundation out. All in all, I'd rate this product a 10/10!" —Katastrophe

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    19. Microfiber glass-cleaning cloths you can count on to dust down tricky light fixtures that are notorious for gathering gunk. These'll make your home *glow* once again and they won't leave fibers behind — because streaks have no place on your glassware any longer.

    Promising review: "I’ve tried everything to clean my pendant lights. The grease from the kitchen just gets on them and using regular cleaning liquids just smears it. I was very doubtful in using these towels but decided to give it a shot. With water ONLY the lights were cleaned in the matter of minutes. I would def recommend these towels." —The Muryns

    Get a pack of eight from Amazon for $18.98.

    20. Howard Products wood polisher to wipe away years of water rings, scratches, and scuffs from surfaces you thought were beyond repair. This stuff tackles tough stains and acts as a conditioner to reveal a brighter grain and texture on your beloved furniture and floors.

    Promising review: "Used this to attempt to clean up my 45-year-old solid wood couch that I inherited and reupholstered. Got the water stains off after one application! Perfect!" —Stacy A. Berkin

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    21. An eco-friendly oven scrub created so you can actually watch your mains and sides come to life. Because eyes are the window to the soul, and oven doors are the window to your bubbling mac 'n' cheese...that you can *finally* see thanks to a blend of plant- and mineral-derived cleaning agents that cut through burned-on goop.

    GIF of someone applying the scrub to a dirty oven door

    The ingredients include eucalyptus, lemon, and peppermint oils, as well as pumice stone and baking soda.

    Everneat is a Fairfield, Connecticut-based all-natural cleaning shop from Claudia and Angelo Zimmermann. Their oven cleaner comes with a metallic scrubber you can use to scrub your appliance before wiping it down with a damp cloth. 

    Promising review: "I was skeptical because I had tried so many products to clean the glass on my oven doors with no luck. The auto-clean cycle just baked it on the glass. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING! It took me about 15 minutes to get the glass on both my oven doors clean. Very minimal scrubbing effort required. I will be telling all of my friends." —Teresa Casner 

    Get it from Everneat on Etsy for $19.99 (available in three scents). 

    22. A squeegee broom to easily gather up crumbs, spills, and hair (think: yours *and* your pet's) from any surface. Carpets, furniture, wooden floors...wherever. Who knows, you might even enjoy giving the crevices of your couch a quick scrape with this once a week.

    BuzzFeed Shopping reviewer's carpet with a hairball next to the broom
    Same reviewer looking deeply disgusted with herself and holding the giant hairball from the floor
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Its natural rubber bristles attract pet hair on multiple surfaces, like carpet, tile, hardwood, and linoleum AND has a built-in rubber squeegee (aka the thing you use on your windshield) for cleaning windows and spills.

    My BuzzFeed Shopping colleague Emma Lord loves this genius tool! Here's a bit of what she has to say about it: "An embarrassing confession: my hair gets so ingrained in the carpet that a vacuum truly does nothing for it. In fact, to make matters worse, weird particles get stuck in the hair on the floor, which is stuck to the carpet, so I often was just unrooting clumps of hair from the floor with my hands (sorry for the visual). I bought this broom and it immediately started pulling it up GOBS of hair. My carpet like, genuinely changed color (turns out the pink was supposed to be much pinker, whoops). Anyway, do with that semi-horrifying information what you will."

    Promising review: "I bought this broom two years ago and it is still going strong! I have four large-breed dogs and we have fur EVERYWHERE! This works so, so well! I came back and purchased one for my neighbor and sent one to my favorite pet rescue down south. I am always amazed at what this picks up even after I just ran the vacuum. I also use it to get dust and cobwebs off the floors and ceilings. It truly is a super tool." —Roseann

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99.

    Wanna know more? Check out our full squeegee broom review.

    23. Heavy-duty cleaning wipes that will challenge intimidating messes — even on soft surfaces. Otherwise known as the perfect solution for the cleaner who wants to do *the least* when it comes to household maintenance.

    Reviewer image of grime and pet hair on liquor bottles
    Same reviewer showing sparkling clean liquor bottles after using the wipes

    These work on almost any surface: leather, fabric, furniture, hardwood, pans, metal, WHEREVER. And! They'll clean up grease, oil, tar, dirt, ink, lipstick, nail polish, food, and a whole lot more.

    Promising review: "I have light carpets, three teenage boys, two cats, and and a huge Labradoodle dog. I often find spills and drips that have dried on my carpets and this product has done a better job of removing the stains than any of the many stain removers I have tried. These wipes have even removed the stains caused by the occasional surprise the kitties leave on the carpet during the night. It is also the only product I found that removes dog drool stains from our leather car upholstery. Who knew dried dog drool would be so hard to get off leather upholstery?" —Busy Mom

    Get a pack of 90 from Amazon for $14.94 (available in packs with different wipe sizes).

    24. A top-selling stain- and odor-eliminating spray for stenches that make you say pee-yew. Perfect if you have a pet that's known for leaving mysterious stains in their wake — this stuff lifts away dirt and grime and releases enzymes to break down deep and persistent odors.

    a carpet stain before being treated with a stain eliminator
    carpet without stain after using the stain remover

    Hey! You can also use this on clothes and other surfaces like concrete and hardwood. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully for noncarpet use.

    Rocco & Roxie is a family-owned small business named after the Magleby family's pets Rocco, a Labradoodle, and Roxie, a former shelter tabby cat. They make a variety of pet supplies, including cleaners, treats, grooming tools, accessories, and toys.

    Promising review: "Amazing. Powerful. The 5-star reviews are too frequent on Amazon. Far too frequent. This spray earns every star. I've tried several different Nature's Miracles (meh). White vinegar and baking soda (pretty good). This stuff is strong and works quickly. It should earn an extra star or two for deep cleaning. I now back off a bit from their instructions and get great results. Unless your stain is a decade old, I wouldn't super soak the stain." —Ron Halahan

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

    Check out our in-depth Rocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator write-up for more!

    25. A fireplace cleaner kit in case you've forgotten what color your fireplace ~was born with~ — this'll fix soot stains and odors to strip it back to its OG shade.

    A fireplace before using the kit, that looks like gray brick with a huge black stain from the pit to the top of the mantle. Then after the kit, with red brick and no stain
    A fireplace before the kit that is dull, then the same fireplace after, with visible detail on each stone and brighter, different shades of stone

    And by kit I mean a brush and 16-ounce bottle of fireplace cleaning formula.

    Promising Review: "Unbelievable! My daughter just moved into her first home. She thought she would have to paint her brick fireplace because of the heavy soot stains that had been there for years. We applied the product twice and put in a whole lot of elbow grease, but what a difference!! It’s a messy process, but well worth the time and energy." —MM

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99.

    26. A jetted tub cleaner, which figures out how to clean the *inside* of your tub, so you don't have to. Think: soap scum, body wash residue, and other gunk all eradicated from the deep, dark crevices of your jets in just about 15 minutes.

    Reviewer's hot tub filled with dirty brown water that's been cleaned out of the jets
    Same reviewer's hot tub with the water removed and a ring of dirt around the edge of the tub
    Same reviewer's hot tub that's now totally clean

    Promising review: "Thanks for making my life easier! I used this product according to the directions and wowza!! I’m now completely satisfied I’ve got the yuk out of my lines and ports are clean. It’s safe to take a bath once again." —Prajana

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84.

    27. An Angry Microwave Mama to come to your rescue after the many meals that have splattered all over your microwave. Just fill it up with vinegar, water, and lemon juice and let her unleash her steam on your messes!

    reviewer's dirty microwave with the Angry Mama inside of it
    the same microwave now clean after using the Angry Mama

    Promising review: "LOVE this purchase!! I wish I had taken a before picture; my disgusting roommates destroyed our microwave, it was filthy. They would’ve never cleaned it since they’re slobs but this purchase saved me SO much time. All the food came off very easily and it looked brand new after! Amazing, wish I could give it 10 stars." —Marissa

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in four colors).

    28. An all-purpose, all-natural scour paste some may call "essential" to clean up mysterious grime and dirt buildup. All you need is a tablespoon of this, a cloth, and presto! That murky film in sinks, showers, and ovens will be yesterday's news.

    a reviewer photo of a cabinet top covered in a layer of grime and dust and text reading
    a reviewer photo of the same cabinet now clean and text reading
    Danielle Healy / BuzzFeed

    Humble Suds is a Denver-based Etsy shop creating plant-based cleaning solutions that are safe, effective, and come in cute packaging (bonus!).

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Danielle Healy uses this stuff and says: "I recently moved into a new apartment, so lately I've been cleaning A LOT. Shortly after moving in, my partner and I went to store something on the top of the kitchen cabinets only to find them caked in a thick layer of grime. 🤢 After going at it with regular multipurpose cleaner (with little success) we broke out the scour paste as a last-ditch effort and OH BOY did this miracle product deliver (pics above). If it can handle that grossness, it's going to have no problem with day-to-day messes like soap scum and burnt-on food. Plus, it smells delightful and comes in minimal, low-waste packaging!"

    Get it from Humble Suds on Etsy for $15.95+ (available in two sizes).

    29. A screen cleaning kit that'll keep your TV and computer screens looking their best instead of riddled with filth and dust. There's no alcohol or ammonia in this either, so you don't have to worry about scratching up surfaces or leaving any streaks. Finally, sports and reality TV look so much clearer!

    This kit includes a microfiber cleaning cloth plus the cleaning solution!

    Promising review: "I know that at this point it is a bit redundant to write a gushing review (in light of all of the others on here), but I really cannot say enough good things about this stuff! I never thought that I would find a product that would bring my beloved Samsung TVs back to their original luster. I have tried multiple cleaners, but they all left annoying streak marks that really made things worse than better. One day, when the sun was shining particularly brightly on my living room TV, exposing all of the circular streaks and smudges, I decided that I had enough, and was going to try something else. I went on Amazon and almost immediately found this stuff. After reading some of the glowing reviews, I decided that I would try it out, and I am so glad that I did. The sun was shining in on the TV again today, and the stunning clarity of the screen led me back to my laptop to order some extra cloths to use to wipe down the black glass TV stand separately, haha. I figured I would leave a review as well, while I was still basking in the newness of it all. Say it with me: 'NO MORE STREAKS, NO MORE SMEARS, NO MORE SMUDGES, NO MORE TEARS!'" —Sarah

    Get the kit from Amazon for $19.97.

    30. A bottle of Leather Honey cleaner, which scrubs away discoloration and freshens up your leather sofas and other faux leather items pretty quickly. It's so satisfying you'll probably want to document the "before and after" yourself.

    Promising review: “This product is the perfect consistency to spread easily. It cleans leather deeply without harming it. Dries fast so that there's no residue on your leather. I used it on a chair and a coat. It doesn't seem to leave any lasting noticeable smell either. Just nice clean leather. The chair was a favorite for my dog, which is the reason I bought this in the first place. She's not supposed to be on the chair! So yes, it's desperately needed cleaning. The Leather Honey works great. The leather coat had been in a closet for two years in Florida where humidity can get to it. Once again, great job. Easy-to-use and the coat looks like new! Another good thing is that it seems to condition the leather as well. It felt much more supple after the first simple cleaning. I just put the Leather Honey on a wash cloth, kept moving the the wash cloth to a new clean area and adding more product. And both the chair and the coat felt like new leather again. And looked fantastic." —N3rd Girl

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in three sizes).

    31. An all-natural multi-purpose spray because cleanup duty doesn't have to stink. No, literally, this spray is available in a bunch of amazing scents that'll make ridding all kinds of surfaces from muck and gunk super refreshing and satisfying....Just peep how well this stuff works:

    on the left buzzfeed editor's wall with brown goo on it captioned
    Bek O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    The Hoot is a Black woman-owned small business. It was started by Tonya Newsome, a professional cleaner, who noticed traditional cleaning solutions made with harsh ingredients were causing skin irritation and respiratory issues. Newsome decided to make a cleaner that's just as effective but without SLES and SLS (sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate are both known to cause irritation and allergic reactions for people with sensitive skin).

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping editor Bek O'Connell put this to use and raves: "You know that refreshing feeling you get after a deep clean at the dentist? That's how I feel about my home after using this spray. The peppermint smell is so invigorating and makes everything smell fresh. It cuts through grime and dust with no problem, and I think might actually scare off mice (rodents hate minty smells). The sprayer works well, and the bottle is even made from recycled plastic. I have to say, it's really nice to use a cleaner that works but doesn't give off unpleasant fumes or put my dog at risk. If you're looking for a multipurpose spray that smells like a nice piece of gum instead of the bottom of a swimming pool, try it out!"

    Get it from The Hoot for $6.99+ (available with two sprayer nozzle options). 

    32. A power scrubber set with three brushes to show kitchen and bathroom scum who's boss. Just attach any of the heads to a drill and watch them get to work on tight corners of the tub, flat tiled surfaces, and even spot jobs so you can forget all about the fact that someone else used to use your shower.

    A before and after picture of a white tub that was dirty with grime and hard water stains before being completely cleaned by the scrubber drill
    A grimy window track before and after being cleaned by the scrubber drill

    This set contains three different-sized and -shaped brushes to meet different needs.

    Promising Review: "My shower has never been this clean! I have tried so many scrubbers, been sore from trying to remove soap scum, and just left disappointed. This product was easy to use and cleaned dirt I didn’t even know was dirt in my shower!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in six levels of brush stiffness from soft [the white one] to ultra [the black bristle]).

    The reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.