15 Celebrities Who Managed To Have Boobs AND Be Feminists

    Despite some thinking otherwise, it's almost like there's no correlation between these things!

    1. Natalie Portman has managed to juggle both having breasts while also speaking out about the lack of nuanced roles for women.

    2. Despite the whole mammaries thing, Mindy Kaling is still able to talk about workplace sexism.

    3. Lady Gaga's boobs have yet to stop her from speaking up for sexual assault survivors!

    4. Ellen Page has, shockingly, been vocal about women needing better access to Plan B, even though she has boobs.

    5. I know what you're thinking: But wait, Beyoncé has boobs! How can she care about feminism? And yet she wrote a powerful essay about gender equality!

    6. Here's Maggie Gyllenhaal, accomplishing the feat of having breasts while also caring about ageism against women in Hollywood.

    7. Viola Davis cares about the lack of opportunities when it comes to roles for women of colour, in spite of the whole "having boobs" situation!

    8. In between having breasts, Laverne Cox ALSO manages to frequently advocate for the rights and healthcare of transgender people.

    9. Shonda Rhimes believes that women and people of colour are more than the media tropes they're reduced to, plus, like, she has boobs too!

    10. Don't let the fact she has breast tissue fool you – Nicole Kidman does in fact care about helping women who are victims of violence.

    11. Kerry Washington's chest somehow hasn't impeded her ability to talk about the impossibly high standards women are held to.

    12. And Constance Wu's boobs seem to have no impact on her criticising the mistreatment of women in the entertainment industry!

    13. Yes, she does have boobs, but Gina Rodriguez also set up a foundation to empower women on low incomes through arts education!

    14. And get this, self-proclaimed "card-carrying, radical feminist" Emma Thompson? She has them too.

    15. And finally, yes, Emma Watson can both have boobs and the ability to believe in gender equality.