19 Tweets About Dating Men That'll Make Women Laugh And Then Groan

    "Dating guys in their 20s is an unpaid internship."


    Why do lads not speak to you for 6 months then reply to your selfie with “when you coming to see me then” never ya fanny


    Just spent $8 on ice cream that wasn’t very good but I also spent 4 years on a boy who wasn’t very good so I’m used to waste


    Ariana had to learn the hard way what all women find out eventually: that sometimes you think a guy is amazing and funny and loving and sexy, but it turns out he’s just tall


    Must be mad being a lad. Imagine ya go to message a girl and see your previous 7 'hey xxx' messages still unread and ignored AND THEN you send an 8th just incase 😩 8th time lucky



    Dating guys in their 20s is an unpaid internship


    why do men think guessing ur ethnicity is a good form of flirting


    meanwhile showering at your boyfriends, he only got one bottle of 3 in 1 You be coming out stale as shit https://t.co/ZhekG6Ms1J




    a boy could ask ur bra size and u could be like “ak-47” and he would respond w “fuck 😩😩😩 ur so hot 😫”


    See when boys follow u on insta then go out their way to like a pic of u like a selfie or whatever, n u click to see who it is n their gf is in their bio 🙃🤦🏼‍♀️ u weirdos give me the fear, what do u want


    i hate when my friend starts dating an idiot and i have to be like how could you bring this man into our lives



    girls: the last time my best friend had sex was at 9:26 pm last Sunday and she didn’t even finish even though he did guys: my best friend may or may not be engaged to his girlfriend Stella or Stacey or Sandra or something idk we don’t really talk about our personal lives much


    men are trash 📍 📏 (1 alcoholic bev) 📏 📏 📍i need a man


    Me: I’m so depressed Guys: damn :/ show me your butthole


    Me pretending to know how to play fork knife to impress some guy


    Men b like communication is so important and then u ask them why and they’re like idk I don’t wanna talk about it