23 Things Everyone Who Really Fucking Loves Tea Will Understand

    We're talking tea in the builder's brew sense.

    1. You know the exact colour your ideal cup of tea is.

    2. And you really can't stand when people fuck around with it.

    3. Your tea must come everywhere with you.

    4. You have very strong opinions about which teabags are the best.

    5. And there's some that you just strongly disapprove of.

    6. There are only a few people who you truly trust to make you tea.

    7. When a tea turns out exceptionally great, you feel pretty damn proud of yourself.

    8. You find the whole ritual of making it so soothing.

    9. It's almost physically painful for you when someone offers to make you tea and then just...forgets to.

    10. You have a special mug that you will protect at all costs.

    11. And you wouldn't be afraid to shed a tear if something were to happen to it.

    12. You get quite excited going to places with good water because that means the tea will taste better.

    13. You feel strangely offended when someone declines your offer for a cup of tea.

    14. You get through so much tea that you've seriously considered bulk buying it.

    15. You're prone to burning your mouth because seriously, fuck waiting for tea to cool down.

    16. You feel really nervous when someone new offers to make you tea.

    17. Because you have a very specific method for how you make tea, and you find it a bit alarming when people do it differently.

    18. You think people who don't have tea when it's too warm are a tiny bit wimpy.

    19. When you go abroad, you worry about how easy it will be to make a cuppa.

    "No one has tea kettles here" a true Brit visiting America

    20. You think nothing of having several cups in one day.

    21. Your worst nightmare is forgetting about your tea and it going cold.

    22. Because you would never, under any circumstances, waste tea.

    23. And you know tea is the only one way to mark any occasion.