21 Things Only Picky Eaters Will Understand

    No, I can't just scrape the sauce off.

    1. The list of things you'll eat is so small, you basically have the same handful of meals on rotation.

    2. Going out to restaurants is a hugely stressful experience.

    3. And it's a rare occasion when you can order something straight off the menu without a request of some sort.

    I'm not a picky eater 😅😅😅

    4. All of your fast food orders have the "special order" sticker of shame.

    My 'no bun oil' order gets me a Special sticker. Awesome! #Whataburger

    5. You know the pain of biting into a bit of food only realise it contains the ingredient you hate the most.

    6. Or even worse, a friend has sneaked some into their cooking and only told you after you've eaten it.

    7. When you go to somebody's house, "what do you want to eat?" feels like a very loaded question.

    8. You feel repulsed when someone puts sauce on food rather than by the side for you to avoid.

    9. And you hate when people say "just scrape the sauce off" as if the flavour won't still linger.

    10. You rarely get to enjoy desserts at restaurants because it's too much of a minefield.

    11. Sometimes even when you order something "safe", it turns out to be not quite what you expected.

    12. You've become an expert in quickly and efficiently picking out the bits you don't like.

    Dear Qantas: please stop putting devil peas in my food. Signed: I picked them all out. #fb

    13. And when it's too much effort to pick out, you've learnt to eat around things.

    @nymaddie update: I ate around the salad.

    Even if it means your meal ends up looking like a complete and utter shitshow.

    14. Although in the presence of others, this can be a little embarrassing.

    15. Whenever possible, the components of your meal must be kept separate.

    When ever I cook my own food I separate it to little piles so nothing touches

    16. You know that a full fridge doesn't necessarily mean there's anything for you to eat.

    17. You've lied about being allergic to things, just to get out of having to try them.

    18. You get very worried about your picky ways hurting someone's feelings.

    19. Explaining what you will and won't eat to people gets really tiring.

    "Well, ice cream is OK as long as it's in a cone. And I will eat strawberries but not strawberry-flavoured things and...should I continue?"

    20. People don't understand that it's not always a matter of how things taste, but their texture too.

    me: has wrong texture of food at dinner me: rages and starts crying [2 seconds later] me: i like the rice

    21. And on the odd occasion you do take a culinary risk, it rarely pays off.