19 Quirks British People Don't Realise The Rest Of The World Finds Weird

    Using "you alright?" as a greeting.

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what quirks about Britain they find weird. Here are some of their thoughts!

    1. The amount we say "bye" on the phone before hanging up.

    2. Eating beans on toast.

    3. These signs.

    4. Our passive-aggressive use of "you're welcome".

    5. The phrase "taking the piss".

    6. Ending messages with "x".

    why do other british people put an x after literally everything they're like "oh my nan just died x" am i missing out on something

    "I honestly thought my friends from other countries didn't like me or found me really annoying because they never put an 'x' at the end of their messages, it's only been a recent realisation that it's just another awkward overly polite British thing!" – elliew4a694ef26

    7. Greeting people with "you alright"?

    I need to stop greeting people with 'are you alright?' Bc they don't understand it means 'how r u doing' and I get so many bewildered looks

    "'Are you all right?' as a greeting!! Took me *months* to figure this one out, kept thinking I must look upset or something!!" – toujoursmoimeme

    8. The concept of TV licences.

    9. The sheer variety of lightbulbs we use.

    10. Putting carbs inside other carbs.

    11. Pickle being a type of relish, as opposed to in North America where it means a pickled cucumber.

    12. How sweary we all are.

    13. Referring to all desserts as "pudding".

    14. Apologising too much.

    15. Our quiet acceptance of drinking from scaly kettles.

    16. Adding milk to tea.

    17. Full English breakfasts.

    18. Root beer not being a commonly drunk thing.

    19. And finally, the popularity of instant coffee.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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