18 People That Prove Sometimes You've Gotta Think Outside The Box

    "How did they think of that?" – you, after reading this.

    1. This kid who gave herself a very impressive manicure:

    I told my 10yr old she couldn’t have press-on nails so she made some out of clay.

    2. This person who was sick of making multiple trips:

    throwback to getting groceries to the 2nd floor in one trip

    3. This woman dedicated to the art of selfies:

    How invested are you REALLY in your insta selfies

    4. This woman who will never get her luggage mixed-up:

    This woman who got her own face printed on her luggage is the hero we need right now

    5. This student who nailed an assignment:

    My students had to pick a Marvel character to embody within a resume and cover letter. The idea that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take lives within one particular student of mine. @RobertDowneyJr @prattprattpratt @vindiesel #iamwfisd #wfisdengineering @WFISD_CEC https://t.co/7pddcxebsK

    6. And this student who found a way around the rules:

    Students are taking their Physics Midterm exam today. I said no cell phones, not even for music since they could be used to cheat. This student brought in a record player and is bumping Kanye in his headphones right now... https://t.co/p57iMIal7D

    7. This person who found an innovative way to show the size of their furniture:

    My friend is selling a desk and chair and didn't know the measurements so used her 12 pound chiweenie for scale (cc @darth) https://t.co/r3VWegtcrh

    8. This woman who won't have to worry about her phone charger falling:

    Just discovered that LEGO hands are the perfect size for making sure your phone charger doesn’t fall off your desk

    9. This woman who's earring idea is actually super helpful:

    #milliondollaridea I wanted to wear this romper but it wasn’t staying together at the chest & I didn’t have a cami or clothespin so I took a pair of earrings and made it look like buttons to keep it together 🤭 https://t.co/LLDPP81WGB

    10. This apologetic student who had a last-minute essay to do:

    I have a research paper due in 4 hours and the letter M on my keyboard is broken

    11. This little brother who reached new but genius levels of laziness:

    If you're feeling lazy just know that my mom just asked my brother to vacuum his room, but he youtubed a vacuum sound & laid in bed instead

    12. This person who seriously upgraded their fridge:


    13. This dad sick of people using his Netflix profile:

    Everyone at home kept watching Netflix using my profile. Messed up all my lists and history... so I renamed “Dad” to “Install Windows Updates Now.” Problem solved. https://t.co/33tpvghLCf

    14. This dog owner who repurposed a purse:

    my dog hates his nails getting clipped so my dad literally bought a purse & cut holes in it

    15. This person who found a way to elevate their ice cream experience:

    Pint of ice cream fits perfectly into a Yeti cup. I think my life has peaked now. (Bonus ice at the bottom makes it extra cold) https://t.co/Fcwa4kw08B

    16. This mum who had a clever game-show trick:

    my mom used to watch jeopardy early on a different city’s channel so that when she would watch it w my dad later she’d know all the answers. she’s still never told him so he’s been under the impression that she’s a genius this whole time

    17. These girls who knew cinema snacks are better when they're from home:

    18. And this kid who went as far as to conduct an experiment:

    Just learned our 9y/o did an experiment on us. Lost tooth, told no one for 3d, kept tooth under his pillow. No $. Then he tells us he lost the tooth, next night there is money under his pillow. Then confronted us with his scientific evidence that the tooth fairy isn't real.