15 Infuriating Pictures Of Bars That Are Honestly Just Unforgivable

    I'd rather not have a drink served in a handbag or Chinese takeout box.

    1. This bar with a sign that could use a redesign:

    2. This bar's interesting way of serving a drink:

    3. This bar that just did away with any sort of drink receptacle altogether:

    4. And this one that heaped on more disrespect by serving it in a resealable bag inside a box.

    5. This bar's incredibly wrong map:

    6. And this one's unhelpful choice of mirror:

    7. This bar's unusual toilet placement:

    8. This bar that isn't conveying its name very well:

    9. This bar that didn't think through their layout:

    10. This pub with an anticlockwise clock that will screw with your concept of time:

    11. This bar that thought "ah, screw it" when installing this outlet:

    12. This bar that figured a leather bag was way better than a cup:

    13. And this one which slightly rephrases a menu item, but makes one inexplicably more expensive:

    14. This bar with tiles that would definitely confuse you if you were drunk:

    15. And finally, this bar with an oddly specific rule:

    H/t r/mildlyinfuriating and r/crappydesign!