18 Primary School Moments That Were Actually The Best

    Finally getting to use a handwriting pen.

    1. Getting a nice, clean mini whiteboard to use.

    2. Having a slice of this cake at lunchtime.

    3. Or, just as good, some chocolate concrete.

    4. Going to the gift shop when you went on a school trip and spending all your money on pens and erasers.

    5. Literally whenever a dog got onto the field somehow.

    6. Growing a plentiful amount of cress and feeling quite proud of yourself.

    7. Spending a lesson just making posters.

    8. When there was a book fair and you and your class would go have a peruse.

    9. This parachute coming out during a P.E lesson.

    10. Reading The Rainbow Fish.

    11. And The Magic Key books.

    12. When it was someone else's birthday and they'd bring chocolate for everyone.

    13. Enjoying some delicious turkey twizzlers.

    14. Finally getting to use a Berol handwriting pen.

    15. Getting a gold star sticker.

    16. Bringing in a toy on the last day of term.

    17. When it was approaching Christmas so all you would really do is make cards and paper snowflakes.

    18. And any time you got to watch Through The Dragon's Eye.