People Revealed Their Most Wholesome Secret And The Results Are Humbling AF

    Can you keep a secret?

    Secrets get a bad rap sometimes because people assume they're mostly hiding something embarrassing or sinister. But there can totally be good, lighthearted secrets.

    So, when u/Hendrik_Lamar Reddit user asked, "What's your most wholesome secret?" people started pulling at heartstrings. Check out these answers:

    1. "When I was a kid, I used to always twist the quarter machines on the way into stores just in case. Got lucky a couple of times and a few free toys. Now that I'm grown, if I'm leaving a store with them, I like to drop change into them if I have it and leave them half twisted."

    2. "Me and my friends once bought a valentine for a boy who wasn't very popular in our class. We didn't put our names on it, but he was so happy to have received one, he kept turning it over and over in his hands all day."

    3. "My wife thinks I share my food fairly with her. Joke is on her; she gets the best pieces/the larger slice."

    4. Friendship is so amazing.

    5. "One time my best friend and I went to a comic con, and she dressed as a super-obscure character that nobody knew about, and she was getting sad that nobody recognized her costume, so I bribed a stranger with candy to pretend to recognize it."

    6. "I travel a lot and love little dive bars. If I have a good conversation with someone there, but it's time for me to leave, I'll wait until they use the restroom, or go outside to smoke, and then pay both of our tabs and leave before they return."

    7. "When my mom was a professor, I used to put a couple of positive ratings on at the end of the semester that said exactly what she would have wanted to hear."

    8. "Whenever I take the elevator to the top floor at my job, I always press the button to send it to the ground floor so the next person doesn't have to wait."

    9. "Sometimes I walk the longer way home from the supermarket in the hopes of seeing that cat that likes me to give it tummy rubs."

    10. "I message my girlfriend's mom on Facebook to tell her about all of our milestones and important things about our lives and relationship even though her mom passed away several years ago. I plan on showing this to my girlfriend when I propose on our third anniversary."

    11. "When I was in first grade, I was nominated for student of the month, along with one other girl. There was a class vote, and I wrote down the name of the other girl, because I thought that's what the student of the month would do. I lost by one vote."

    12. "I know a little boy in my child's class that lives a hard life. Whenever there is a raffle for any goodies, I buy a bunch of tickets and put his name on them. He's won a pizza party and an ice cream party."

    13. "When I travel for work, I have a $25 meal limit from my company. I always try to buy two cheaper meals and give one to a homeless person if I can."

    14. "About eight years ago, I was walking down the street in Normal, Illinois, during the winter. I passed by a lady who had no gloves on, and her hands were looking kinda blue. I gave her the gloves I had. They were a super-nice pair, and I absolutely loved those gloves. But I had another pair at home (not nearly as nice), and I couldn't stand the thought of me having two pairs of gloves while she had none."

    15. "This is probably too late to get noticed by anyone, but when my little brother was younger he would set out 'leprechaun traps' on St Patrick's Day. My parents didn't want to bother with them, so I left little gold candies in each one and carefully set them all off, leaving a bit of green glitter to make a path. He's grown out of it, but to this day he still thinks my parents did it."

    16. "I pretend I don't know that my nephew drops pennies to remind me of my recently passed husband. I can't tell him for fear of breaking his heart."

    17. "I offer rides to people I see while I'm driving a lot. I used to have to walk everywhere, and I only got offered a lift once. I don't like to mention it because people think a serial killer is gonna get me or some crap."

    18. "I put change in people's parking meters so they don't run out of time."

    19. "I always take an extra bag for trash when walking my dog. The city worker in charge of the park is an elderly man. Every time he gets out of his pickup he is holding his back. There are a bunch of teenagers that party and leave their trash everywhere, and the poor guy has to pick it all up. We walk really close to the tree lines and pick up the trash scattered in hard-to-reach places so he doesn't have to. I've got his schedule figured out so he doesn't catch us doing it."

    Did these warm your heart? Share your most wholesome secret in the comments.