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19 Luvvie Ajayi Tweets That'll Make You Laugh And Side-Eye 2020

My favorite side-eye sorceress.

1. When she announced her next book.

I am SO EXCITED to announce that my next book: PROFESSIONAL TROUBLEMAKER: The Fear-Fighter Manual is now available for preorder! My next NYTimes bestseller (claiming it) . 🙌🏾 Drops on March 2, 2021. Grab wherever you get books! #ProfessionalTroublemaker https://t.co/4vZSp7Rv4a

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

If you didn't read her first book — get on it.

2. When she shared her friend's advice.

One of the best things I've learned this year was in a convo with @eunique, who is basically my coworker, at this point. HA! She said "Chase one rabbit, you catch it. Chase two rabbits, you catch none." Meaning: focus on THE THING. Do that thing REALLY well. THEN expand.

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

Words to live by.

3. When she supported other Black women.

SPEAK, @SymoneDSanders! I love seeing her take up ALL the space! https://t.co/UNY3gQaXVt

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

I'm here for it, sis.

4. When she started a real AF thread about marriage.

Married folks, what is something you had to UNLEARN once you got hitched?

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

This definitely got me thinking.

5. Did I mention she tremendously supports Black women?

Sharing a stage with dope Black women is a fave pasttime of mine. https://t.co/mZBS7w92dK

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

She is seriously my fave.

6. When she basically told people to put some respect on her name.

So there’s no confusion. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

You have no excuse after this break down.

7. When she said exactly what I was thinking.

Maybe don't work out relationship issues thru Instagram Stories. Just... maybe

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

I mean, if the shoe fits.

8. When she issued a hilarious PSA.


@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

(Chews leftover turkey slowly.)

9. When she squashed a debate about Bey immediately.

This is when I realized that people are beyond redemption.

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

No one messes with the Beyhive.

10. When she retweeted her Ted Talk.

"All comfort has done is maintain the status quo. So we've got to get comfortable with being uncomfortable by speaking these hard truths when they're necessary." — @Luvvie Ajayi Jones Watch the full TED Talk here: https://t.co/uiVYQXMBYF

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

One of the best videos to add to your morning routine.

11. When she embraced her squad.

I'm surrounded by people who show me that community is a verb. I am so heartened by the fact that my people, my village, my squad, are committed to being a soft place for me to land. They give me permission to dream big b/c they permit me to fall, which leads to me rising. 🙏🏾

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

I need more people like this in my life.

12. When she expressed some of her true feelings about Twitter.

Half the time I log on here and I look at the trending topics:

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.

All together now—SAME.

13. When she dished out some useful advice.

"How can I help?" is a good question to ask. An even better way to be of service is: "Here's what I'm really good at: *list 3 things* How can I add value using those skills?" And best is: "Here are my gifts. I can help you fill these specific gaps I see you have."

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

This woman can drop some gems.

14. When her "doing great" was our "doing great."

Me yesterday: I'm gonna get up tomorrow, do a ride on the Peloton, shower and start my day fresh. Me today: *rolls out of bed at 9:15am and throws on house robe and sits at computer* I'm doing great.

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

Pandemic chronicles. Enough said.

15. When she passed on a message from the Tech Gods themselves.


@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

Very valid question.

16. When she oh-so-accurately summed up this slow motion video.

Why do they all look like characters in The Sims 4 game? https://t.co/GHsEtO0BRH

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

I can't unsee this comparison, ever.

17. When she made me think about one of my aunties.

I bet this shirt makes you think about your favorite auntie. I'm not wrong.

@Luvvie / Via twitter.com

There's so much going on here.

18. When she shared one of her favorite prayers.

One of my favorite prayers when I’m walking in rooms I may have not been in, or walking into a new phase or season is “LET MY HELPERS FIND ME.” It's a prayer that asks God to make you a magnet for blessings thru other people. It takes pressure off and invites in ease.

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

Bet you won't walk into a new room or season the same now.

19. And, lastly, her love for Black women is just the sweetest.

This is the year/decade/century/life to #WinwithBlackWomen

@Luvvie / Via Twitter.com

Love it. Love it. Need more of it.

2020 is finally (almost) over, and we're looking back on the year. Check out even more from the year here.