People Are Coming Up With Donald Trump-Inspired Titles For Classic Books

    "To Sue a Mocking Word. #TrumpANovel."

    Early Monday morning, the hashtag #TrumpANovel started trending on Twitter.

    People came up with new book titles, inspired by Donald Trump, for classic books and it was fantastic:

    "To Sue a Mocking Word" #Trumpanovel

    Many focused on the allegations of sexual assault against Trump and his leaked tapes.

    Catcher in the P*ssy #TrumpaNovel

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Assgrabbin #TrumpaNovel

    Meanwhile, others were just using the hashtag as an opportunity to roast the presidential candidate.

    @PadraigBelton Extremely Loud and Incredibly Gross. #TrumpANovel

    And some made jokes about things Trump had said in the past.

    20,000 Biglys Under The Sea #TrumpaNovel

    Blood Coming out of Her Meridian #TrumpANovel

    Great Expectations, Really Really Terrific Expectations #TrumpANovel

    Well played, Twitter.