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17 Reasons You Should Never Read "Harry Potter"

Seriously, don't even bother.

1. Only kids read Harry Potter.

2. Literally no adults. Literally none.

3. And magic is just so boring.

4. Sooo boring.

5. What a snorefest.

6. The books won't stay with you.

7. They aren't even well-written.

8. You won't find a single beautiful sentence.

9. Not one.

10. There's nothing relatable about Harry Potter either.

11. Nope, nothing relatable to see here.

12. You won't care about the characters.

13. You won't feel inspired.

"Harry Potter helped me power through my mental breakdown." —Nikki D., via Facebook

14. You won't change as a person.

"All of the Harry Potter books have changed the world. They've changed my world. I am a better person because Harry Potter exists." —Briizy

15. Harry Potter won't change your life.

"When I was coming out in college, I clung to the Harry Potter books like they were part of me. I'd be crying in my dorm, wishing I wasn't gay, and the only thing that would get me out of that dark place was J.K. Rowling and her writing." —Michael W.

16. Seriously, don't even bother, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

17. It's not real!