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    10 Ways Being In College Makes You Think You're Still In Daycare

    Sometimes, just when you think you're finally in the adult world, you realize, "nope, this is just like daycare". Thumbnail picture:

    1. Lunch time is still the best part of your day.

    2. Sometimes, there's only that one friend who truly understands what you're saying.

    3. Nap time is still 100% necessary.

    4. Your attention span is still less than that of a goldfish's.

    5. You feel reminded of being that last kid left in your room at daycare when you're the only person left in the room on exam day.

    6. Mondays are still the worst day of the week.

    7. Trying to be the cool kid will still result in a poor choice every now and then.

    8. Groupwork will always have its downfalls, only some help cleanup and do their part of the work.

    9. Growing up and going to college is not any cheaper than the daycare your parents paid for.

    10. And yes, boys do still have cooties (well, only some of them).