
Janet S.

I'm a easygoing person who loves to laugh, goof around and have fun no matter what the situation might be. I enjoy the simple things in life. I try to live my life to the fullest and not worry about the small stuff, because, in the end its not worth the trouble. I'm a honest and trustworthy person who loves my family. I'm the kind of person that believes that honesty really is the best policy. I enjoy writing poetry; when I get the inclination to do so. I love music and I want to learn how to play a few musical instruments. I love to sing, but I want to learn how to sing better. I've got a feisty personality. I was brought up to stick up for myself and what I believe in. I consider myself to be an affectionate, upbeat and idealistic person. I'm an animal person and it never ceases to amaze me how someone could be so cruel to a completely innocent animal that didn't do anything to them. I would like to explore more forms of art ( art galleries, museums, theatre, ect.) I have a unique take on what I think is trendy and stylish. My clothing style range from flirty and feminine to clothes from Hot Topic and Gargoyles to just an old favorite T-shirt and jeans. Cooking and baking are two of my many passions in life. My other interest would I like to pursue is to volunteer for lots of charities as soon as the opportunity is available to me. I love to help people and believe that one person can make a difference if they really want to. One charity I really want to do is Big Brothers and Sisters. I also would love to learn how to blow glass and many other crafty things. I believe that a lot what you need to know you can learn from the world around you and the people that exist in your life. School can teach you a lot, but its the life experiences that teach you the most.

Feb 2010
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