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    Do Not Be Afraid

    For everyone who is afraid to take a leap of faith, you are not alone!

    I'm not going to lie. It has taken me a long time to figure out what I wanted to write about. I think it's because I wanted my post to be a lot of things: Smart, quirky, and interesting. But then I remembered someone saying that to write well is to write what you know. This is what I know.

    When I first moved to Toronto from Vancouver, I was actually quite scared. The city is a lot bigger than Vancouver and a lot faster. To add to that fact, I didn't have a job lined up so there was an added pressure to find work. I actually remember at one point street-viewing my neighbourhood (like a crazy person) hoping for a sense of comfort seeing home in some way. Naturally, I went through various stages when I first moved:

    Excitement: This is when you block out all doubts about moving away from home in favour of growing up. New city. New adventure. New you.

    Awareness: It suddenly hits you that you are away from home.

    Loneliness: …And then you realize how alone you are in a new city

    Panic: Which causes you to start panicking.

    Doubt or Regret: And because you are panicking alone you will ask yourself why you left all your friends and family in the first place.

    Comfort: And because you have doubts and regret you will call up your family for reassurance. You will also start goggling philosophical quotes.

    Sadness: You'll miss your family and friends even more after hearing their voices

    Which triggers Stages 2 through 7… again.

    Contentment: Eventually you will be content with your decision to move out and start to settle into your new life.

    It's been two years since I moved to Toronto and I am happy I did it. I've met the greatest people here and have learned a lot about myself.

    So for those of you thinking of taking a leap of faith, remember this quote:

    "Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Do not be afraid."

    Do not be afraid.
