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    10 Flowers You Probably Didn't Know Existed

    A flower invasion is about to happen in a few days’ time. Along with their minions--chocolates and teddy bears, they will flood your view from all angles.

    After their overwhelming presence a few days ago, let us get to know more of bunch who are not as popular as their sisters Rose and Tulips.


    Flowers are generally fragrant. Most of their populations are even bred in order to supply human's demand for fragrances.

    But beware of this minority. You wouldn't want to get your nose into a stinky mess!

    Corpse Flower

    You better think twice (even thrice) before daring to smell this one. With a scientific name, Amorphophallus Titanum, also known as Titan Arum, this flower smells like a rotting flesh when it is in full bloom. It normally stands between 6 to 8 feet tall and will only bloom after 7-10 years of vegetative growth.

    Its cousin, the Rafflesia (also known as the 'meat flower') may look prettier but they smell nastily the same.

    Parachute Flower

    The specie featured above is only one of the many species under the genus of Ceropegia. It's scientific name is. Ceropegia Distincta. They may not smell as awful as that of the Corpse Flower, but they do not smell good either. Contrary to popular misconceptions, the Parachute Flower is not a carnivorous plant. They pollinate by attracting and trapping flies in their flower tubes for days until all of the flower's hairs wither; which then sets the flies free to fly again.

    Pelican Flower

    Its scientific name is Aristolochia Grandiflora and its stinky smell is used to attract pollinators to explore its inflated chambers. The flower is heart-shaped but it is not a recommended substitute for Roses for the Valentine's Day.

    Dead Horse Arum Lily

    According to, this flower comes next to the Corpse Plant in terms of stink level. As with the rest of the members in this group, the Dead Horse Arum Lily uses its very strong smell to attract flies and beetles in order to pollinate. It can even play on its temperature to trick flies that they are indeed a hot and dead flesh. Its scientific name is Helicodiceros Muscivorous.


    Not all flowers are dainty. Beware of this particular breed that eats meat as big as a rat!

    Attenborough's Pitcher Plant

    With a scientific name Nepenthes Attenboroughii and found on Mount Victoria in the Philippines, the flowers of this pitcher plant is said to be weirdest among the carnivorous plant group. As seen in the picture, rats can fall prey to its vibrant looking feature.


    Their mere existence is a wonder and makes us dumbstruck. They are nowhere near the typical surviving plant of this generation.

    Ghost Orchid

    Scientific Name: Dendrophylax Lindenii (American), Epipogium Aphyllum (Eurasian). This flower is said to be one of the rarest in the world. It was believed that they gone into extinction—but miraculously, they didn't. They are so unique in a sense that they behave more like a fungus. It has no green leaves, doesn't rely on photosynthesis, and it doesn't manufacture its own food. They survive through the aid of a fungus found on its roots. The ghost orchid is so choosy that it only blooms when the conditions are just right.

    Jade Vine

    Its scientific name is Strongylodon Macrobotrys. The name may say that it's a vine, but it is a flower. Another Philippine-native, this beauty can reach up to 18 meters in length. In the wild, it is pollinated by bats who are attracted to the luminosity of the flowers. They are, however, facing extinction due to deforestation.

    Black Bat Flower

    When we think of flowers, we usually go to a rainbow-colored spectrum field of beauties. This one, however, is like the black sheep. Its scientific name is Tacca Chantrieri and it's literally black in color. Its petals form a shape that is similar to a bat. And this flower has whiskers. Yes, whiskers that can grow up to 28 inches long.


    Middlemist Red

    This almost perfect bloom is named after John Middlemist, the person who brought the plant to Britain from China. Contrary to its name, the flower comes in pink and resembles a rose-like feature. It's scientific name is Middlemist Camellia.

    Chocolate Cosmos

    This particular chocolate, or rather flower, is not edible and it doesn't come in boxes or fancy wrappers. With a scientific name of Cosmos Atrosanguineus and also known as Chocolate Cosmos is native to Mexico and is believed to be already in extinction in the wild. Although they are dark red brown in color, they are associated with chocolates because of the fragrance that they emit—a light vanillin—that is more prominent during summer time.