School Shootings. How They Appear And How Parents Can Stop Them

    We created a world filled with anger. It is up to us to change the world for the better. For the sake of our kids.

    Year 2013: 25 incidents of school shootings, 18deaths, 34 injuries…
    Year 2014: 36 incidents of school shootings, 17 deaths, 34 injuries…
    Year 2015: 20 incidents of school shootings, 19 deaths, 41 injury…
    Year 2016: 2 incidents of school shootings, 1 injury… But unfortunately there will be many more…

    These disturbing numbers are provided by Wikipedia. It is too difficult to accept the fact that murders in U.S. educational institutes are not an exception, but rather a horrifying tendency.

    It is the most frequently discussed subject in America. Mass school shootings happen so frequently, that there even has been created a bullet-proof blanked for kids. It sounds like an irony, people started making money on parents who are afraid of losing their children.

    We are the ones to blame

    We should be there for them

    You are not alone