19 Ways TV Shows And Movies Get College Completely Wrong

    Trust me, no one's dorm gets that much sunlight.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what TV shows and movies get completely wrong about the college experience. Here are some of the responses:

    1. First, that you will have an inseparable bond with your roommate.

    2. That college dorms look like something out of a Pottery Barn catalog.

    3. And that students move in with just one suitcase and a backpack.

    4. That people dress up to walk around campus.

    5. That everyone is either cool or a nerd, and there is no in-between.

    6. That colleges are just impervious to rain, snow, and cold weather.

    7. That the only schools out there are Ivy Leagues.

    8. That people don't need to spend any time studying.

    9. That every class is in a massive lecture hall.

    10. That all of your professors will be geniuses and all of your classes will be life-changing.

    11. That everyone will have a fling with one of their professors.

    12. That you won't have to worry about paying for school.

    13. That you will have an excessive amount of free time.

    14. That getting wasted is the only way to have fun.

    15. That you hang out with your friends all the time.

    16. That it is easy transitioning from high school to college.

    17. And that no one seems to deal with homesickness, loneliness, or anxiety.

    18. That students seem to never get sick.

    19. And finally, that everyone lives on campus.

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    Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.