Labour Members Absolutely Bloody Loved Jeremy Corbyn's Speech

    BuzzFeed News asked a random selection of Labour members in Liverpool what they thought of the speech with a 100% positive reaction.

    Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has ended his party conference in Liverpool on Wednesday by delivering his big showpiece speech.

    After five days marred by disagreements between members who are for and against him, the Labour leader set out to convince the party that they could defy the polls and win the next general election.

    The speech was greeted by a standing ovation from members and, after they sang the party anthem The Red Flag, BuzzFeed News asked 15 random audience members what they thought of the speech.

    1. Seb Chowdhury

    "Refreshing, gritty, soulful."

    2. David Allum

    "Interesting and strong."

    3. Mariam Abood

    "Interesting, provocative, energising."

    4. Rachel Moses


    5. Sabina Khan

    "My dream and hope are alive again."

    6. B. Konechki

    "A new course."

    7. Tom Roaside

    "Politics brought back to the people."

    8. Kit Mlynar

    "Inspired, calm."

    9. Tom McGuire

    McGuire thought the speech representing "a broad aspiration for change, addressing challenge of a new unity."

    10. Terence Smith

    "Speech of policy that could change the country. A Labour party united."

    11. Pauline Kitching

    "Absolutely great leader for the working classes. [I've] waited 20 years +, Jeremy for PM."

    12. Sarah Krys

    "Inspirational, amazing, gives us all hope."

    13. George Ford

    "Fantastic speech, based on unity and taking fight to the Tories and winning the general election. Labour in government."

    14. Dilys Hadley

    "Jeremy said everything I've wanted to hear from my Labour leader. The best speech since Clem Attlee."

    15. Pam Robsinson
