
Jamie R.

My names Jamie, i am 18 years young. I graduated from Midlothain High School. Ive been through a lot of stuff in my life so please don't try to tell me how bad your life is, because i could probably beat you hands down. I have fallen several times in my life but each time i have gotten up, dusted my self off and continued on this crazy journey called life. I may not always say the right things or do the right things but i tend to believe that my heart is in the right place. No one ever said that life would be easy. They say that you should never have any regrets in your life. Why the hell didn't someone tell me that sooner. I have done a lot of things in my life that im not proud of but i have learned from the mistakes i have made. And from those mistakes i have become the person that i am today. I believe that everything happens for a reason; every laugh, every tear, every smile, every memory, it all gives meaning to your life.. so cherish it.

Jul 2009
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