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    Make Every Day Small Business Saturday

    Did you get out and support Small Business on Small Business Saturday? Here's some reasons you should have and why you should continue to shop small all year 'round.

    1. Support your neighbors.

    When you shop small business you are supporting a family. Your money spent will go towards helping your neighbors survive instead of helping the CEO of some large retail chain purchase a third vacation home.

    2. It is more fun.

    You'll get pampered! When you shop at a small business, they are happy to see you come in the door and they will treat you like that. You are helping to support their part of the American Dream. They realize that and appreciate your business.

    3. Keep your tax dollars local.

    4. You'll find more unique items.

    When you shop small you'll be more likely to find those, "Where did you get that?" items. Small business owners are dreamers who often sell unique or hand made items in their stores. You'll find things no one else has and it may just come with a story.

    5. You'll create jobs.

    Support small business all year round because they have to make ends meet just like you do, all year round. They depend on you coming to their store, eating in their local café, buying their piece of local art, and thrive on making it worth your while. You are not just buying something at a store, you are supporting someone's dream and purchasing a small piece of their soul that they have worked years to bring you.

    Note, I am currently working to open my own, small, mom and pop store, I write indie books, and am an artisan, so I can speak from some experience when I say, shop at your local independent stores whenever you can, year 'round.