17 Things Everyone Who Played Sport On Saturday In Australia Can Relate To

    "I won't be tired at all if I watch Saturday Disney in the morning."

    1. Consistently waking up even earlier than you needed to so you could watch cartoons.

    2. Frantically searching the house looking for your sports gear five minutes before you had to leave.

    3. Blasting tunes in the car on the way to the game to get yourself pumped up.

    4. Being embarrassed as hell EVERY week because you forgot something you needed.

    5. Spending 20 minutes before each game searching all the fields for your teammates.

    6. Stretching extensively before each match and ending up exhausted before the game even started.

    7. Having to listen to the coach's pre-game speech which always seemed more dramatic than necessary.

    8. Knowing when the heat cream was out because you could smell that shit from a mile away.

    9. Awkwardly shaking hands with your opponents before the game.

    10. Being on the bench meant you had to wait for your time to shine.

    11. Watching your parents get more passionate about the game than you.

    12. Counting the minutes until halftime because it meant one thing: ORANGE SLICES!

    13. Trying everything you could to keep your team’s spirits high when you were losing.

    14. Being tired, dirty, and covered in sweat all while having to endure your coach's long-ass post-game speech.

    15. Finally being able to hit up the sausage sizzle after the game.

    16. Hoping for a win so you'd be rewarded with the infamous pizza party.

    17. And the end of season party was where the REAL competition began.