21 Things Socially Awkward People Will Understand Because We’re All In This Together

    Awkward AF.

    1. When you're incapable of actual everyday, surface-level conversations with people.

    When u buy a movie ticket and they say "enjoy your movie" and u say "you too"


    2. When having to answer the phone makes you forget literally every word you've ever learned.

    3. Or when you receive a compliment and don't know what to say.

    4. When you try flirting with your crush, but your sexy wink looks more like a serious eye twitch.

    5. When your facial expressions have absolutely no chill.

    6. When you see someone you know in public but you hide ~anywhere~ to avoid conversation.

    7. When you wave back and then realize the person waving wasn't actually waving at you.

    8. When you have a coherent thought, but you just utter a random jumble of words instead.

    9. When you don't have a strong grasp on your speaking volume so you're always either yelling or whispering.

    10. When you try to high-five someone but you have no hand-eye coordination.

    11. When you're asked to introduce yourself to a group of people and nothing comes out but weird sounds.

    12. Or worse, you forget how to smile so you wind up looking like a constipated psycho-killer.

    13. When you've already said bye to someone but then realize they're walking the same way as you.

    14. When you latch on to the one person you know at the party because group talking is your worst nightmare.

    15. When someone is going in for a handshake but you go in for a hug.

    16. When the attention is on you and you literally want to sink into the floor.

    17. When you have absolutely no idea what to do with your hands while you're talking.

    18. When everyone's telling jokes so you share one — except yours is extremely dark and morbid, and now everyone's upset.

    19. When you pretend to text someone just to look busy.

    20. Or when you just watch YouTube videos because watching people talk is so much easier than actually talking.

    21. Finally, when you thought you'd be the only awkward person in the group but you realize that everyone's awkward in their own unique way.