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    If You're Going To Prom, Check Out These 14 Super Helpful Style And Beauty Tips

    Now all you've got to worry about is having fun at prom.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their prom style and beauty hacks. Here are some of the best takeaways.

    1. Wear a button-up shirt as you apply your makeup so you don't mess up your dress.

    2. Instead of dropping hundreds of dollars on a makeup artist, spend $50 on Sephora products and get your makeup done by an employee.

    3. Throw a prom swap party with your friends if you're strapped for cash and looking for something new.

    4. Shop at consignment shops, thrift stores, and second-hand vintage boutiques for inexpensive designer dresses.

    5. If you're rockin' heels, tape your third and fourth toes together to help with the incline pressure.

    6. Shop at stores like T.J. Maxx and Marshall's for discounted designer-brand makeup products for a fraction of the cost.

    7. Apply baby powder where you tend to sweat to avoid chafing.

    8. Go to the mall for hair services if you can't schedule a hair appointment.

    9. Buy your own beauty products for the added convenience of having the makeup for the look you want.

    10. If you're doing your own makeup, apply foundation to your neck and ears so that everything photographs the same color in pictures.

    11. Apply eyeshadow primer rather than face primer where you need more coverage.

    12. Rub pantyhose on a deodorant stain to easily remove the mark from your clothes.

    13. And if you catch a run in those pantyhose, use clear nail polish to fix the rip.

    14. And finally, use aloe vera for taming frizzy tresses, hydrating dry skin, and as a base for shaving.

    Want more prom posts? Check out Prom Season on As/Is!

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    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.