16 Of The Most WTF Gifts People Have Received That Prove The Holidays Are A Strange Time

    Just give me cash or something because these are just plain weird.

    Y'all know how people say "It's the thought that counts" when it comes to gifts? I'm here to tell you that is utter BS. Sometimes gifts can really just be terrible.

    When Reddit user Diswell asked, "What's the biggest 'WTF' gift you've ever received?" people shared gifts that, honestly, nobody should receive. Here are some of the best (well, worst) responses:

    1. This gift, we're not sure who it's for:

    "For my 16th birthday, my then-girlfriend's dad gifted me a pair of sexy red lacy thong panties. I still don't know if he was suggesting that I sleep with his daughter, his wife, or him."


    2. This gift only a brother could love:

    "When I was about 10, my little brother told my parents he had a present for me. Christmas morning comes, and he excitedly brought it over to me. As I started to remove the tape from the box, I noticed a little-odd smell but figured it was just because the old box was in the basement. The box contained a dead hummingbird that had run into the window, an earthworm, and a few scattered saltines in case the worm and bird got hungry."


    3. This bridal tragedy:

    "For my bridal shower, my mother-in-law gave me an old bikini. How do I know it was old? The elastic was crusty."


    4. This motherly reminder:

    "A book called This Is Why You're Single. Thanks, Mom."


    5. This unconventional-pet surprise:

    "A guinea pig. Just the guinea pig, no cage or anything."


    6. This gift that turned into a teachable moment:

    "Christmas, 1993. I was 11 and my grandma gave me one-half of a pool cue. She gifted the other half to my then–8-year-old brother. She told us, ‘See? You can only use it if you two cooperate and share!’ We did not own a pool table."


    7. This gift I’m sure no child actually wants:

    "I got a bunch of Tupperware for Christmas when I was 12. My parents thought it would be great cause I was the one who did the dishes."


    8. This last-minute Christmas gift:

    "When I was in college, my sister gave me a Donald Duck cement lawn ornament for Christmas. It weighed at least 40 pounds. I didn't have a lawn and I didn't like Donald Duck. She has an excessive number of lawn ornaments in her yard. I suspect that she realized she hadn't gotten me anything as she was getting into her car and just grabbed the closest thing."


    9. This pesky penguin gift:

    "My mom last year decided she didn’t want to go off of my Christmas list anymore because she wanted to surprise me. One of my gifts was a framed painting of two penguins. I was confused, and it has been sitting in my closet for a year now."


    10. This gift that was mostly gone by the time it got to the person:

    "A cheese-and-champagne gift set that had the champagne and most of the other goodies taken out of it. So cheese in a mostly empty box."


    11. This tantric gift:

    "I received a book on tantric sex for me and my boyfriend from my brother. I opened it in front of my mom and all my in-laws, great-grandparents, and teen cousins included. I think it was a sincere gift."


    12. This unholy gift:

    "My youth pastor showed up to my house on my birthday and made a big deal about the gift he brought me. I opened it and it was a dead squirrel he shot that day."


    13. This gift they took back...like, who does that:

    "I randomly went to some extended-family Christmas event and they gave me a woven basket. Within 10 minutes, they had asked for the basket back. It ‘meant something’ to them."


    14. This thoughtful (I think?) gift:

    "A pet rat, based on me having told the gifter that when I was in elementary school, I liked the school's pet rat. I was 26 when I received this gift. Rat turned out to be a very good rat boy, and we mourned his loss approximately two years later."


    15. This anticipatory gift:

    "I got a can of shaving cream. I was 11 and couldn't grow a mustache to save my life. Even now, 13 years later, I still can't, and I'm pretty sure the can is still under my bathroom sink."


    16. And lastly, this WTF gift that actually came in handy:

    "Back in high school, I mentioned casually during a visit that my bedroom was chilly at night. Come Christmas, I open my gift from Nana and it was a space heater. As a teenager who was hoping for video games, I put on the forced-smile rictus and thanked her for the gift while internally bemoaning all the loot that could have been. Later that night we head home and I plug the space heater in when I go to bed because why not? The DIFFERENCE that space heater made. The next time I went to her house, I gave Nana a giant hug and told her how much better my room was at night with that space heater, and gave her an actual genuine thank-you. I still use that space heater 20 years after the fact, too."


    What's the weirdest or WTF gift you've ever received?

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.