In Honor Of The Most F*cked-Up Scene On Television This Summer

    Someone hold me.

    The debut season of HBO's The Leftovers came to an end on Sunday, and what's been called "the most desolate, despairing" show on television really outdid itself with the most fucked-up scene of the summer.

    Nora Durst (Carrie Coon) had lost her husband, son, and daughter three years prior when the Sudden Departure caused 2% of the world's population to disappear.

    She continued to live in the home she shared with her family and tried to go about her life. But one particularly beautiful day, she woke up...

    Brushed her teeth...

    Washed her face...

    And walked downstairs, only to find the most horrifying thing one could imagine.

    The Guilty Remnant, a cult-like group that provokes others into remembering those lost in the Sudden Departure, had life-size doll replicas of her husband, daughter, and son made, and staged them in her kitchen, where they were last seen.

    And they did the same to everyone in town who had lost someone that day.

    Some reacted by dragging the dolls through the streets and burning them in protest.

    (It was terrible to watch.)

    But Nora just sat...

    Held her "family's" hands...

    Looked at their incredibly creepy plastic faces...

    And put her "kids" to bed one last time.

    Thanks for the nightmares, The Leftovers! See ya next season!