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    Why "To Kill A Mockingbird" Should Be Everyone's Inspiration

    Because learning is the first step to understanding. *SPOILERS* to those who haven't read the book yet

    As an eighth-grader, my assigned reading for the month was Harper Lee's one and only, "To Kill a Mockingbird". I remember thinking about how dull the book was for many chapters. All the book entailed was a little girl and her friends. But the thing was, as I read, it began to seem more and more relative to current events. At first, it seemed link kind of a stretch, but it seems to fit the shoe.

    With recent protest in both Ferguson and New York due to police brutality, how is it so different from the case of Tom Robinson. As the story is narrated from Jean Louise or "Scout's" perspective, Harper Lee has truly painted the perfect setting, with a controversial crime and an unbiased, innocent view. In Ferguson, there is suspicious footage of Michael Brown in a convenience store. However, isn't this simply one man's words against another's? While I strongly agree that the officer's shooting with intent to kill was avoidable, blame cannot be placed fully upon Mr.Wilson's (the officer's) shoulders. He had been trained to have an instant reaction, and the consequence was another's life. Michael Brown was unarmed, and did not approach Mr.Wilson and had his hands in the air, but what happened next was truly for the viewer to perceive. We will never actually know what would've happened if perhaps, Mr Brown was a Caucasian man.The protests that this incident has sparked are formidable, with crowds uniting to support a cause they believe in. But these protests are becoming more and more violent, with 200 arrests in the days after Officer Wilson was not indicted. It's important to remember that if the goal is too retain fair peace in an unjust situation, violence will not help solve the problem.In the book, it is mentioned that normally, a case of white man vs black man would've been settled in minutes, but the pure fact that it took just a little longer to fully agree proves that a step has been taken.

    What I love is that "TKMB" is almost like a modern YA fiction, but with so much more depth and underlying meanings that I feel like way too many books directed at my age group are lacking. Scout may be a little younger than many avid readers, but her maturity gives her an intelligent feel. I love how she is portrayed as a tomboy, providing a character that is easier to relate to with the newer generations. Honestly, Harper Lee's book has made me truly think about the world around me, not to mention Scout's entertaining spunk and sass.

    Mrs Lee's book is a text with so many meanings and angles, I enjoyed it thoroughly and would re-read it as eagerly as I once read Harry Potter.

    To Teachers: As a student myself, I highly encourage you to assign this book to your kids

    This book has truly earned the prestige it has received, and I would recommend it any day.