17 Stages Everyone Who's Been Dumped Will Recognize

    As told by Adventure Time.

    One day you're happy and in love.

    Then out of nowhere, your S.O. wants to "talk about something important."

    They're dumping you.

    Suddenly you're going through all these emotional stages:

    1. Shock

    2. Desperately seeking answers

    3. Denial

    4. Bargaining

    5. Sadness

    6. Eating and sleeping all day

    You just want to eat all the feelings and nap all the naps.

    7. Reliving the past

    8. Talking about it constantly

    9. Self-doubt

    10. Anger

    11. Rage drinking

    12. Frustration

    13. Helplessness

    14. Hope

    15. Actualization

    16. Acceptance

    17. Forgiveness

    And you start living for all the awesome stuff that's ahead of you.