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    Why You Should Be F*cking Stoked For The Annie Movie Remake

    Remember your childhood favorite film? Annie, you know, about the adorable red-headed orphan who sings and escapes a bad guy. And her adoptive Daddy Warbucks? There will always be tomorrow (pun-intended), but the Annie remake is set to be released December 19, 2014. It's way more than a day away, unfortunately.

    Jamie Foxx as Will Stacks.. and Quvenzhané Wallis as Annie

    Cameron Diaz as Miss Hannigan

    Rose Byrne as Grace Farrell, Annie's Mother Figure

    Tracie Thoms and Dorian Missick as the evil fake parents

    The trailer is already out and full cast is announced!

    View this video on YouTube / Via youTube

    Get pumped with us!!!! If only the release date were tomorrow and only a day away..