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    18 Ways To Rule The World

    Tired of civilian life? Sick of being a nobody? Follow these failsafe steps to becoming a politician, and you too could be knee-skidding down the corridors of power.

    1. Join a good party

    2. Have rad hair. And hairspray. All the main ones are seriously lacquered.

    3. Listen to the voters

    4. Be brave

    5. Rock a casual look

    6. Play mind games with your oponents

    7. And silence your critics

    8. Learn to make big calls

    9. Even when everyone thinks you're crazy

    10. Start budding up with people you've seen in magazines

    11. Already cool?

    12. You gotta know how to make an entrance

    13. You gotta be prepared to dig deep

    14. It's important to look awesome when you're riding your steed.

    15. Show you're down with the kids

    16. And show you're good with kids

    17. Consider facial hair wisely

    18. But most importantly, be a douchebag