Stephen Colbert Just Called Out Marvel’s Sexism And It Was Fantastic

    "The Marvel cinematic universe is kind of a sausage fest."

    Stephen Colbert had a good time munchin' popcorn and watching Marvel's latest feature, Captain America: Civil War. However, he couldn't help but notice the excessive amount of dicks in spandex:

    View this video on YouTube / Via CBS

    Colbert started by pointing out the "common thread" he'd noticed in all of the characters' names:

    He then made another very important observation:

    Next, he put the jokes aside and got to the meat of the matter; Marvel intentionally does not have female superheroes or villains:

    He explained that the writer of Iron Man 3 was told by Marvel that the character had to be changed to a man:

    Because "the toy wouldn't sell as well if it were female."

    But Colbert was quick to say that it shouldn't just be Marvel and Iron Man 3 that gets the flack. Why couldn't Dr. Doom have been a woman after all?

    It's definitely food for thought. Thanks, Colbert, for sticking it to the man!