These Kids Got Makeovers To Look Like Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton And It’s Hilarious

    "I feel confident."

    Mode invited Ryon and Millie to be made over into the two leading political candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Brace yourselves...


    When asked for their opinions on the candidates, the kids seemed invested in the candidates' fashion choices. Ryon was worried about Trump's hair...

    ...then he suggested that Trump could spice things up in the wardrobe department.

    While Millie really only knew Hil by her signature look.

    In general, they were excited for the transformation. This was something Millie had been waiting for her whole (long) life.

    And Ryon realized that he was not as tall as your average dude, yet.

    Let the makeovers begin!!

    And voila! It's Hillary Clinton hanging out with an Oompa-Loompa.

    Millie learned that contouring is pretty flyyy.

    While Ryon was concerned about whether he still had a pulse.

    When put side by side, however, the resemblance is uncanny.

    In general, the makeover had Millie feelin' herself and droppin' truth bombs.

    And Ryon was still just really into Trump's hair.

    Overall, they had great fun posing as the candidates and imitating them!