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    Douchebag of the Day: Elizabeth Hasselbeck Defends Anti-gay David Tyree

    Elizabeth Hasselbeck is one of the most ignorant dumb bitches yapping her stupidity in the media today. During hot topics today on The View one of the subjects was about former NFL player David bigot Tyree spewing his anti-gay marriage and anti-gay parenting in Albany where gay marriage is on the table. Hassel-Crack apparently spoke with Tyree this morning before the show, obviously so she can get on TV and defend his bigoted and discriminatory hate speech. She basically blew sunshine up his ass and almost hemorrhaged trying to convince everyone what her wonderful person he is and how he stands up for his convictions even if it's not the popular choice. She then has the effin nerve (with her immature desperateness she is so known for) to justify Tyree's statements by saying that even our president doesn't believe in same-sex marriage. Note to dumbass Lizzy, Obama refused to defend DOMA, leaving it in the ever so greedy eager hands of your "people" to continue the fight to keep discrimination alive and well in this country. Also Obama embraces gay parenting as we well know. One thing I can guarantee about your cowardly ass is that if this was an issue of discrimination against the black community you would not be touching this with a 10 foot pole nor would you sit there and defend a bigot. You wouldn't dare. This is not about people's personal opinions or convictions this is about equal rights and you as a woman should know better. There was a time when women cannot even vote in this country. You should be as ashamed of yourself and discussed as David Tyree should be when you look in the mirror for defending someone spewing such homophobia discrimination...