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    The Most Bizarre Choose-Your-Own Adventure Books

    From "The Worst Day of Your Life" to "Escape the Holocaust" - These are adventures you might think twice about choosing to be on.

    You Are A Shark (Choose Your Own Adventure #45 - Edward Packard)

    The Worst Day of Your Life (Choose Your Own Adventure #100 - Edward Packard)

    Tattoo Of Death

    U.N. Adventure (Choose Your Own Adventure 157 - Ramsey Montgomery)

    Hostage! (Choose Your Own Adventure 168 - Edward Packard)

    After witnessing the great success of the Choose Your Own Adventure series, Jewish educators decided to get in on the game!

    But are these books a little too real?

    Escape from the Holocaust: A Jewish Do-It-Yourself Adventure

    Until the Messiah Comes: A Russian-Jewish Adventure

    Cardinal's Snuffbox: A Do-It-Yourself Jewish Adventure.

    The Melting Pot: An Adventure in New York