40 Things Grey's Anatomy Has Taught Us

    Grey's Anatomy has taught us multiple things. Here are a few of them.

    1. Everyone Needs a Person

    2. Not all things last forever

    3. People Die

    4. Things Don't Always Go As Planned

    5. Seattle is Very Rainy

    6. Doctors are actually superhero's

    7. Some people are buttholes

    8. Some people are gay, there is nothing you can do about that

    9. Some people are worth dying for

    10. Sometimes people make dumb choices

    11. If your friend is seeing her dead fiance, she probably has a brain tumor.

    12. War can be traumatizing

    13. Turtlenecks look terrible under scrubs

    14. When something bad happens, you can have mixed emotions

    15. Words do hurt

    16. You never know who might be your family

    17. Things can change quickly

    18. People cheat

    19. Friends matter the most

    20. Some people are dark and cloudy

    21. Seattle Grave Mercy Death is not the best place to work

    22. Sometimes failure is the only option

    22. People mess up

    23. Sometimes it is best to know

    24. But sometimes, you don't want to know

    25. Marriage is not always meant to be

    26. But sometimes, Marriage is meant to be

    27. Your friends are like family

    28. Life is way too short to hold grudges

    29. You should love and believe in yourself

    30. Sometimes it is not okay to mess up

    31. Don't forget to say I love you to the person you love before it's too late

    32. People make mistakes

    33. Sometimes you have to believe in the good to get through something hard

    34. Things work out for a reason

    35. You can't walk away from people without looking back at least once

    36. Never give up

    37. When life gives you second chances don't waste them

    38. Once and a while it is worth the wait

    39. You don't know when your last day might be

    40. And last but not least... The freaking Carousel never stops turning