• seasonedbf badge

17 Things That Pretty Much Every West African Parent Is Guilty Of

Every elder 'auntie' or 'uncle', and that's on that.

I’m convinced that everyone raised in a West African household has lived the exact same lives. No matter where you grew up or what year you were born in, if you have West African parents, there’s a very real possibility that they do each of these 17 things from time to time.

1. Having the highest expectations.

2. Threatening to send you back to Africa if your grades aren’t up to scratch.

3. Expecting you to become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.

4. Comparing you to your overly-successful cousins.

5. Forcing you to talk to relatives that you have no recollection of ever meeting.

6. Making sure you refer to your elders as 'auntie' or 'uncle.'

7. Telling you to avoid relationships and focus on your studies/career...

8. ...Then constantly asking why you don’t have a partner in your mid-20s.

9. Being brutally honest at all times.

10. Reminding you that they are not one of your little friends.

11. Never admitting they are wrong.

12. Putting on their best outfit to go to a casual event.

13. Calling you from afar to pass them the remote control.

14. Weaving religious quotes into casual conversation.

15. Cooking enough to feed an entire village.

16. Refusing to order a takeaway.

17. Loving you no matter what.