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    80 Of Samantha Jones' Best Moments On "Sex And The City"

    Samantha was relatable, and she gave us some great moments over the course of the 6 seasons that Sex and the City aired.

    1. Giving advice on sex.

    2. Get real people.

    3. Sometimes you just feel desperate.

    4. Simple as that.

    5. Little philosophy.

    6. Who needs babies to have a great party?

    7. ASAP!

    8. When your friend decides to get married.

    9. Reality check.

    10. Life is not fair.

    11. No one's perfect, unfortunately.

    12. Where are you hiding?!

    13. Guys are such liars and...

    14. That kind of a day.

    15. You can't be serious.

    16. Honesty is the best policy.

    17. Men...

    18. Good decisions.

    19. When an old guy approaches you.

    20. I mean come on guys!

    21. Simple as that.

    22. Priorities.

    23. When you love him no matter what.

    24. Not too small, not too big.

    25. Always support your friends.

    26. Ofc, it is!

    27. But, seriously.

    28. Always look on the bright side of life.

    29. Wouldn't we all?

    30. Always be politically correct.

    31. Get your place guys if you're not a Prince ofc.

    32. On Oral Sex:

    33. ?!

    34. On Exes:

    35. Unfortunately.

    36. Be a decent human being.

    37. Ready for challenge.

    38. Awkward question -- I mean, I'm counting, I'm counting.

    39. Pay attention on next election year.

    40. The only parties that matter are the ones not associated with politics.

    41. We're just friends. Yeah right

    42. When you see a hot guy:

    43. You dump a guy over a kiss?

    44. So complicated.

    45. Beauty by pleasure.

    46. Say it proudly!

    47. When you have no other choice.

    48. When it's just perfect.

    49. Either way don't do it!

    50. Monogamy is still a thing people so get yourself together.

    51. Inequality, always present.

    52. Life is full of surprises.

    53. The last single girl?

    54. Gay men know best.

    55. You know what you want.

    56. It's time to move!

    57. Go easy with your accusations.

    58. When you have no other words to say:

    59. Always have this on your mind.

    60. When you see a hot guy number 2:

    61. They just don't listen:

    62. Why there has to be a real reason? Maybe he's just an asshole.

    63. But seriously guys, calm down.

    64. Damn them! (cheaters)

    65. Till death do them part.

    66. You tell 'em, Sam!

    67. Hello? Hello are you there?

    68. Love is overrated.

    69. You gotta do your research!

    70. Get a thick skin. That's the only way to stay sane.

    71. When you see a hot guy number 3:

    72. It's that simple.

    73. Tell people what you need.

    74. I'm putting this on a t-shirt.

    75. I mean, really?

    76. When there's no other way to say it:

    77. When someone is REALLY hot:

    78. SO refreshing!

    79. When you see a hot guy number 4:

    80. Leave your children at home!