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    Getting tested is not scary. It keeps your sex safe so you, and your partner can keep having more of it.

    Look at that puppy. He's so happy that his owner is healthy.

    Stop Being Stupid. Go Get Tested.

    "Positive" is a great word to hear about 92% of the time. However, the other 8% you would hear it it's probably going to be the worst thing you could ever imagine. We as educated, young, scholarly people are being pretty stupid when it comes to the two things we generally care most about; ourselves and sex. Getting tested is the smartest thing you can do as a sexually active person in a sea of other sexually active people. I'm going to be explaining why asking your new sexual partner if they have been tested is easy, it won't take away from the moment between you and your partner, and it keeps you both safer in the long run.

    Hopefully everybody reading this as sexually active humans has had an STI screening, but if not that's okay too, because after this article you'll totally make an appointment. Getting your first STI screening can be super scary, especially if you are like the majority of people our age and have pushed it off one or two more times than you should have (It's recommended at least once every six months). Sure, you've been 'safe' and are on birth control, or made sure she was, but you're still sitting in that little room terrified of your snap HIV test results just like we all have been. But there is literally no reason for you to keep making excuses as to why you can't get checked. The resources are plentiful and very close by. There are the obvious places you can get checked; Planned Parenthood, the free clinic in your area, your doctors office, etc. However, there are a bounty of others like Student Health Centers located on most college campus', or the ingenious AltaMed mobile HIV testing trucks. All of these wonderful places provide you with a standard of care that is superb as well as an attentive and well-educated staff. Most of the aforementioned testing facilities also offer the tests for free, or a very well adjusted rate.

    So, now that you have gotten your screening done and your results came back negative you want to make sure that the person who's body you're going to let very close to your body is not going to bespatter your clean bill of health? In a consenting relationship be it simply sexual or committed and intimate, there should always be a level of respect and openness at least to the point where you feel comfortable and safe asking if they have gotten tested in the past 6 months, which is basically like asking them if they have gotten their dental checkup. While testing may seem like the most awkward, unsexy thing you could bring up at this time it absolutely is not. Asking your potential partner this is one of the most self-affirming things that you can do. In asking this simple, but massively important question, you assert yourself as a confident and smart partner as well as someone who wants the best for both parties.

    When you and your partner talk about safety before-hand you are both setting the groundwork for a happy, and clean relationship. And by keeping each other in the loop about what is going on that will just lead to better communication and a more open discussion about things that are more difficult to talk about. If you and your partner are sleeping with other people as well it will prompt them to ask their other partners in turn keeping you safe!

    Getting tested is the most important thing that sexually active people can do. Not only is it easy and massively accessible, but it makes you more confident in your own health and wellness. By keeping your partners well informed about getting tested and staying proactive it keeps the both of you safe in the long run. It seems like this year all people care about are "positive vibes", so lets keep them that way and proudly show our negative test results.