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    24 Signs That You're A Stingy Person.

    Look after the pennies...And the pounds.

    1. You refuse to go to the cinema any day except a Wednesday.

    2. You eat expired food because you can't bear seeing it go to waste.

    3. The concept of splitting a bill when in a group makes you feel physically nauseous.

    4. You spend upwards of an hour on Groupon every day.

    5. When someone suggests you go on a pub crawl:

    6. You have, indeed, bought items from the reduced section in Primark

    7. You've signed up for things with separate emails to get free stuff.

    8. You hang around the reduced sections in supermarkets like a bad smell.

    9. When you find out that an event has a free bar:

    10. You spend twice as long in the supermarket as everyone else because you're constantly comparing prices.

    11. Sometimes you zone out of conversation when you've shared a bottle of wine between three trying to figure out what you owe.

    12. Going travelling is even more exciting because you get to budget EVERY DAY.

    13. When people say "Shall we all get a round in?" your blood turns to ice.

    14. The worst thing about graduating is not having a student discount.

    15. You try to get drunk as possible before leaving the house so that you don't have a buy a drink in the club.

    16. You tell everyone that you cycle everywhere because it's good for the environment but really it's because it's FREE.

    17. You don't understand how people can buy something without knowing how much it costs.

    18. You're astounded when people opt for what they actually want over what's on special offer.

    19. You never enter a nice restaurant without waving some kind of voucher behind you like a victory flag.

    20. The phrase 'Buy One Get One Free' gives you heart palpitations.

    21. The age old 'Wetherspoons VS Not Wetherspoons' argument has pretty much torn your friendship group apart.

    22. You worship at the temple of Poundland.

    23. You don't have a Netflix account, but you have an intricate web of people whose accounts you use.

    24. And finally, you don't call yourself stingy, but 'thrifty'.