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    23 Bears Pretending Not To Be Humans In Bear Suits.

    Because what IS a bear but a man in a bear suit? I mean, really.

    1. This bear trying to make the most of a bit of sun.

    2. This bear who has just seen someone that he knows.

    3. This bear who wants to join in with your frisbee game

    4. These bears just catching each other up with the juicy goss.

    5. This bear who is struggling to keep up in yoga class.

    6. This incredibly environmentally conscious bear.

    7. This bear who just wants a bit of peace and quiet, for once in his life.

    8. This bear who clearly got a huge Christmas bonus this year.

    9. This bear getting a lift on his bro's sweet ride.

    10. This bear who is pretty disappointed that you forgot the sausage rolls, actually.

    11. This bear who just wants some goddamn service.

    12. This bear taking a bow for his adoring public.

    13. This bear who is a master of disguise.

    14. This bear who just remembered what he was like last night.

    15. This bear who is happy to help you out with your broken plane.

    16. This bear trying to recapture his youth.

    17. This bear who is combining taking a bath with plotting your death.

    18. This bear who is contemplating the meaning of life.

    19. This bear who is annoyed with you.

    20. This bear who is just being flawless.

    21. This bear who wants to know where the on button is for this barbecue.

    22. This bear channelling his inner diva.

    23. And, finally, this vintage bear who knows that a friend in need is a friend indeed.