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    20 Cookbooks That Don't Need To Exist, But You're So Glad They Do.

    How else would we know what was served on the Titanic?

    1. This book for people who want to add a little heat to their cuisine.

    2. This book that wants to refresh our memory about botanical cooking.

    3. This book that is very honest about its demographic.

    4. This book that is a total Godsend when your cooker is broken.

    5. This book answering the niggling question on all of our minds.

    6. This book which blows your own theories about what to do with mayonnaise right out of the water.

    7. This book which thinks that your average recipe collection is a bit too PG.

    8. This cookbook that seamlessly blends cooking and SFX.

    9. This book which wants to add a little heavy metal to your simple carbohydrates.

    10. This cookbook that just wants to save Florida.

    11. This cook book that seems a little on the defensive side.

    12. This book that will help you bake your way to one million Wookiee Cookies.

    13. This book which doesn't think there are enough vampire recipes out there.

    14. This book by someone who understands that the art of cooking a wolf takes a whole book to explain.

    15. This book that CANNOT be unaware of its own hilarity.

    16. This book that knows what will make your mouth water: a picture of a toilet door.

    17. This cookbook that dares you to think outside the box.

    18. This book that is really moving with the times.

    19. This cookbook that wants to ensure that you are prepared for ANY situation.

    20. Aaaand this cookbook that is keen to debunk the myth that rappers can't be chefs.