We Should Be Worried About These Canadians Who Won't Show Us Their Faces

    It's not just the niqab.

    1. This person being forced to cover up against their will.

    Stop these #BarbaricCulturalPractices before they take our freedom away. #cdnpoli #elxn42

    2. This family of radicalized Canadians.


    3. These armed veiled men who kidnapped the prime minister.


    4. Newfoundlanders who take part in the barbaric cultural practice of mummering.

    #BarbaricCulturalPractices #NiqabsofNewfoundland #elxn42


    What are they hiding???

    5. Politicians who won't show us their faces.



    8. These Canadians covered in barbaric face paint.

    9. Hockey players who don't want their precious faces broken.

    10. These Leafs fans.

    These Leafs fans aren't enjoying themselves

    11. All these stock-photo doctors working in our hospitals.