18 Things That Are Currently More Expensive Than A Barrel Of Alberta Oil

    Start hoarding the stuff.

    Global oil prices are at their lowest point in many years, and Canadian oilsands prices have taken an even greater hit. The price for Western Canada Select oil is currently hovering around $20 per barrel. It's now actually more expensive to buy...

    1. A pre-order of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    2. Season 4 of The Six Million Dollar Man on DVD.

    3. A value size bag of dog food.

    4. An extra-large MeatZZa from Domino's.

    5. This snow shovel from Canadian Tire.

    6. This IKEA shelf.

    7. This murder hammer.

    8. This handmade Duck Dynasty Chia Pet.

    9. More than two heads of cauliflower.

    10. This Jamie Oliver cheese knife.

    11. This autographed Jamie Oliver cookbook.

    12. Cosplay footwear.

    13. Worms Armageddon for Nintendo 64.

    14. A box of live worms.

    15. A gallon of lube.

    16. This $500 book on lubricants and lubrication.

    17. Any amount of printer ink whatsoever.

    18. An actual barrel.