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What's Been The Worst TV Show Storyline You've Watched In 2021?

Riverdale has been a repeat offender this year.

Look, I'll be the first to say that I had high hopes for 2021. But with this year turning out to be a bit of a shit show, it's no surprise that many of us — myself included — turned to TV shows to escape the doom and gloom around us.

But, while there were some great TV shows that gave us the comfort, laughs and escapism we craved, there were also some truly terrible storylines that I wish I could erase from my mind.

Some of them were completely ridiculous, like in Riverdale when the whole "Rat King" storyline was explained through Jughead contracting rabies because he fell into a sinkhole and just...started living underground.

Others ruined favourite characters for no good reason, like in Elite when Guzmán and Nadia — who had been through so much together and were one of the best couples in the series — broke up. And that's not all, because Guzmán moved on after two minutes and became this territorial dickhead.

Some started off strong, but couldn't stick the landing — aka nail their ending. Yes, I'm looking at you American Horror Story: Double Feature.

And let's not forget when TV shows decided to mention the pandemic — like in the latest season of You. Like, I'm sorry, I don't want to be reminded about real things when I'm watching you (pun intended).

Anyway, let us know in the comments below what TV storyline from 2021 was the absolute worst and why, for your chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.