21 Struggles That'll Make All Siblings Who Share A Room Say "Too Real"

    I love having no privacy and sleeping right next to my sister!!!!

    1. Trying not to wake them up when you went to the bathroom at night was always a struggle.

    2. As was resisting the constant urge to tidy up their side of the room.

    3. You would always argue about when the room light should be turned off...

    4. ...but on the bright side, you've now learned how to sleep whenever and wherever.

    5. You've often dreamed, prayed, and begged for a room of your own.

    6. Compromising on decisions like how to decorate your respective halves of the room was always important.

    7. But if you were the youngest, you usually didn't get a say on whether you wanted the top or bottom bunk.



    8. When you finally got the chance to sleep in, you would instead be woken up by your sibling's alarm.

    9. You would always take the chance to "borrow" their things when they weren't home...

    10. ...only to get in major trouble when they found out.

    11. Waking up in the middle of the night because your sibling was snoring too loud was always annoying AF.

    12. Getting kicked out of your own room when your sibling's friends came over was a regular occurrence.

    13. As was having no sense of privacy.

    sharing a bedroom is awesome i really love having zero privacy and sleeping two feet away from my sister


    14. And it was always when you were studying that your sibling was somehow the loudest and the most annoying.

    15. Any time you watched a scary movie, you'd always freak out and ask if you could sleep in their bed.

    16. After a big argument, you would temporarily "move out" of your shared room.

    17. Just before falling asleep, you would always check to see if they were still awake...

    18. ...and if they were, then you would have some pretty deep and meaningful convos.

    19. Whenever they went to a sleepover, you would relish in the freedom of having your own space...

    20. ...only to miss them after an hour or two of them being gone.

    21. Because at the end of the day you realised you were sharing a room with your best friend!